It's simple - I write and you read. End.


hey, sun-times guy!

last week, i miraculously made the front of the chicago sun-times on
friday. the article was about a possible hike in train fair and yup, there
i was getting on the train. nothing big. no one interviewed me nor was i
protesting or anything. i was simply getting on the train like i do every
weekday after work. the reason i bring this up is how i became some sort
of celebrity at work that whole morning. everyone was like "awesome! look
at you!" "can i get your autograph?" "is that robert redford next to
you?" (yeah - bob redford was on the front page too about some earth stuff
in chicago.) and then everyone was telling me to get a bunch of copies and
telling me congrats on making a nationally known paper.

and now i shall input my blog's infamous line - "GIMMIE A BREAK!"

first off - i didn't DO anything. i was just taking the train and some
dude took a pic of me that just happen to make the front page. in
retrospect, if you interpreted the article with me as a rider, i should be
portrayed as someone that's upset about paying more money to ride a train
that smells like urine on summer days or delays for 10 minutes before the
last stop cause of train congestion. and stop giving me praise about
nothing. big deal - someone at the newspaper said, "this kid looks like he
gives a damn about riding the chicago transit. let's put him on the

and now i other infamous line - "DON'T GET ME WRONG" but i don't mind being
on the cover. it is a pretty cool thing and i'm not putting it down for
what it's worth.

my static has to deal that it's not worth as much as everyone makes it out
to be. i'd rather have been on the cover for my documentary or my awesome
writing, but instead on on the cover cause i'm a train rider. i'd probably
like it more so if i were quoted on how the hike bites the big one.

now i know what 15 minutes of fame feels like - literally. this is NOT the
climax of my celebrity status but i guess all that hype made it feel like
something like that would never come again. i beg to differ as i will push
to get my face on that cover again for something that i've done for mother
earth, whether it be film, writing, or being more outspoken. ask me about
this again in 10 years...


a current affair!

time is ticking and it feels like it's going really, REALLY slow! don't
you hate the friday before a long weekend? you're stuck at work or school
and when it gets closer and closer to the end of the day, it feels like
time goes slower. yeah, yeah - i know - don't look at the clock or keep
busy cause then you won't notice time fly. but i always feel like i need
to know what time it is because it makes me know what's going on at what
part of the day. in other words - if my boss comes to me and asks me when
i sent that letter or important document out, i can say around 2 o'clock.
it's more acceptable then saying - 'i dunno - like earlier in the day.'

it goes the same with people that read up on the newspaper or keep up with
current affairs. it makes them sound smart when they talk about it. it's
true. i did a personal experiment. i'm a pretty savvy kid and have the
brains to keep up a conversation. SO - one week, i decided to watch the
news every night and talk about it at work or with friends by the end of
the week. the following week, i didn't watch shiet and people would ask me
about things and i could only say, "really? i didn't catch that." or "i
heard about that" but not really. and the rest of my conversations sounded
more like human behavioral complaints or random, funny incidents that
happened through the week. didn't sound as smart as the news, but none the
less - something to carry the conversation.

so today's lesson is to always know the time and news so you sound smart.

what time is it now?


leave me be

i think there's some kind of invisible "f*ck you" sign on me that i can't
see. for some reason, people @ work have been kind of stand-off'ish.
like, "don't talk to me" or "i'm not saying hello to you, b*tch" or "you're
a waste of my time" (haha - circa previous post). but really - i've been
really cheery and nice today cause it's beautiful outside and i'd rather
like to become more upbeat at work. i've somehow pigeonholed myself in the
past to be this d*ck at work that is seen as a 'debbie downer' cause work
sucks. WELL - lately i've wanted to change that cause 1. it takes more
energy to be a downer than it does to be upbeat and if you're always a
downer, no one would want to be around you. i'm a social butterfly outside
of work - why hide that? 2. less stress. when you're always grumpy or
down in the dumps, you're always feeling blue and that there's a cloud over
you. i hate that feeling. i felt like that everyday of my life when i was
in middle school. i should be happier now a days - girlfriend, i'm
thinner, i'm making a movie, and my dayjob isn't crazy difficult.

SO - i'm trying to be more upbeat at work and trying to make my "happiness"
contagious. however - today doesn't seem to be so swell. no one wants to
smile back at me or are irritable or just don't feel like talking. HOWEVER
- what's throwing me off more so is that they're more upbeat to other
people. so this is why i'm wondering if maybe i have this personal f*ck
you sign that i don't know about.

just one of the things i miss about jersey. it was just easier to talk to
people for me there. don't know why - just was.....


wasting time

you know what's a harsh phrase to hear? "waste of time"

Like "That class was a waste of time" or "Talking to him/her was a waste of

I'm almost positive I've used that phrase in my life, but these days when I
hear it and after knowing what people would rather use "that time" on
instead. NO - it's not a waste of time. Your mind makes it a waste of
time cause you're not taking it in for what it's worth. Am I losing you a
bit? Okay - lemme backtrack a bit...

SO - me personally, I've been contraint w/time - always editing, running,
keeping up with social expectations (weddings, birthdays, etc.), upkeeping
the dayjob, taking care of my lady, and attempting to excel more than
expected in all areas. All these things take time and yet I still try to
schedule new things or put new things on my plate. And yes - I will admit
that I have encountered moments where it was a "waste of my time" because
it was something that I've already done or something I already knew or it
didn't move me forward in the direction I wanted to go. HOWEVER, in a
world where "everything's in the mind," if you take that step outta the box
and look at it from a far from normal point of view (or P.O.V. for you
acronym freaks), then you have to at least muster up a small string of new
knowledge from that experience. Whether it be picking up on a different
human behavior or upkeeping a new relationship (a.k.a. networking) or even
hearing a different voice with a different opinion - it's all relative to
something new. Now unless you're suffereing from a severe case of
consistant deja vu or memory relapse, experiences in life should be like
snow flakes or fingerprints. Everything always depends on how you take it,
but to utter the phrase "waste of time" - well, did you really try to take
that moment for what it was worth??

Okay - let me stop wasting your time....


myspace & movie

i had this random dream a couple of night ago, but the only thing that came
out of it for me was this line that i could definitely use in a screenplay.
this infamous line is:


Isn't that awesome?? continuing on....

i feel like it's new work when you need to set time aside to update your
myspace layout. isn't that sad?? i mean, don't get me wrong, i am guilty
of setting things up on myspace late at night and making it pretty for my
friends to check out. i also try to get the right youtube video to post
up, as well as the right song to play on my profile. the reason why i've
become addicted all over again is because i stopped using it for like 2 or
3 months, then i started using it up again. See - i take these long spurts
between usage which is why i'm probably still active on that. myspace is
also a really good networking tool - no joke. i've used it to actually
meet people to interview for my documentary. isn't that wierd??

i'll be posting up a new documentary teaser on this blog later today.
please check it out and please check out the website. i'm almost done
w/this movie and it's been so frickin grueling w/the editing that i'm
starting not to care about detailed things. ugh - but gotta keep pushing
man! that's what puts people on top over others!!


bills, bills, bills

sometimes i wish there were such thing as a 3 or 4 dollar bill. there are
just those moments where you only have a 5, 10, or 20 and really need that
dollar bill to just buy a cup of coffee or pay toll. wonder why that $2
bill didn't fly? probably the same reason the susan b. anthony $1 coin
didn't fly. Whatever this reason may be - my theory has to do with the
skulls - that underground hardcore fraternity that supposedly runs our
country. i mean - their symbols are all over the $1 bill, right? that's
why the susan b. didn't fly! the $2 bill though, they probably didn't like
the picture on the back. ppffff - who wants to see a bunch of old dudes
signing a contract about our rights as citizens?!?! bla - whatever -
anarchy rules!

continuing on:

this goes out to "Black Bear" - you know who you are! you keep stalking me
on this blog. the question here is - why aren't you emailing me?? I
believe I was the last to send an email out, but you know how those Bears
get around this season. Fillin their lungs up with brain cell killing
smoke to get that rejuvinated feeling that Dave Matthews IS THAT AWESOME!
i suggest you do google searches on the following, Black Bear: Peggy Lee
Kirby, the children of William Morris, Officer Dacres, and the lost
recordings of WRLC's 1110 Mix. Good luck and I expect an email from you
FIRST (cause I don't have an updated email addie).


i found my OLD blog of like 4 years ago. it's quite amazing really:

if you read into it, i'm way more crass, way more imaginative, and way more
out there than how I've been on this blog. those were probably the days i
was unemployed and smoked crack - ah....those were the days.....