It's simple - I write and you read. End.


alllll i want is you.....

you ever catch people do indispicable, cleansing procedures at wrong
moments? per se - picking a wedgy, picking nose in the car, passing gas,
smelling breath, etc. etc. what's funny is that everyone else does it - so
why should it be such a disgusting act if you know you need to do these
things to be more comfortable? okay, okay - i understand. sure, i don't
wanna walk around and suddenly walk into an unprecedented field of
unpleasurable aroma - however, there could be designated area for things
like that. like the corners of rooms should be understood as a place to
"fix yourself." SO...if you needed to burp or scratch yourself in an
unattractive looking way - go to the corner of the room, do it, and no one
should think different.

whatever - maybe it's just me....

randumb - are you yourself when you google your name? i am actually my
first hit when i google my name. it's actually me. not that my name is
common, but there ARE actually a bunch of jonald's out there. scary
enough. yet - i guess i'm the most famous or hit upon person as far as the
world wide web is concerned. all i have to say is - STOP STALKING ME!
just ask me out on a date already - geeez....

(FYI - i just googled my name to see if this last paragraph was true. it
wasn't me. i'm losing rank. must be pissing people off lately. guys -
i'm just tellin you how it is from a blunt point of view. if it's not your
friends, then who else will tell you that we're all ugly! ha - i joke...i


-yakoff smirnoff?
-potsy from happy days?
-bell biv devoe?
-my mind?

i'm done.

p.s. coldplay concert in march @ the united center. woo hooooo!


now it's time to say good night. good night, sleep tight. dream sweet dreams for me. dream sweet dreams for you....

randumb thoughts explosion: KABOOOOOOOM!!!!

--before email - were there happy hour memos that went around the office?
and was it sent on monday till friday, only to have like 15 names on it??
this versus today's technology of e-vites that have 100 names on it and
sent 2 weeks in advance.

--you know those sensor sinks and sensor hand dryers in the bathroom? has
any one of those ever turn on with you in the bathroom, far from it, and no
one else standing in front of the sensor?? freaky, eh? makes me think of
ghosts when it happens to me. then i sit on the ground, curl into the
fetal position, shut my eyes, and wish i were in my happy place. "there's
no place like strip clubs. there's no place like strip clubs."

--there should be some sort of olympic day at the office. not like we
should all get together and watch the olympics - but more like competitive
office events that would test our skills that we deem to be so monotonous
and boring. like speed filing or target typing or coffee drinking
competition. ooooh, that last one's a little dangerous for hyper activity
reasons. but wouldn't everyone want to be better at work then, if they
knew that they got to compete at this thing every year and the grand prize
team could get like a week vacation to use whenever throughout the year.
isn't this a cool idea?

--what the hell is going on in the homeland of the phillippines?? first
mudslides happen that are trapping people, who's only form of communicating
is by texting. who knew that texting could save lives? AND now there are
riots going on to overthrow the president and take over the government?
what the hell is happening over there? someone seriously needs to go there
and just straighten out there government system. they got problems! maybe
it's time to make that change! "i'm lookin at the man in the mirror! i'm
askin him to change his ways!" [if i ever quote a michael jackson song
again, it's because i'm trying to make you laugh....but also...trying to
make you think. you ain't bad! you ain't nuttin!]

--pencils are cool. i don't know when i lost track of how cool they are.
they erase and stuff. cool....

--what is the cure to static? i hate it. new pet peeve!! how the hell do
i get rid of it around me?? i've tried to wipe things with fabric softner,
but that doesn't work. must i laundry and dry ALL my clothes to get rid of
whatever the culprit may be? i don't get it.....someone send some help.


while my guitar gently weeps.....

here's your gay man story for the day:

so i'm not a homophobe. i'm in the arts for pete's sake ( the
way...who the hell is pete and why do we always sake him???). i'm
confident of my masculinity and actually do have homosexual friends through
the theater community. ANYHOO, besides this, i do think they're funny
mother f*ckers when they're confident of their sexuality and have a sense
of humor about it. SO...i was in the copy room the other day and this guy
who i wasn't sure of (sexual orientation wise) was walking toward our huge
laser printing machine (...let's call him "Metro Man"). i was at the xerox
machine and there was another dude standing next to the laser printer
(let's call him "Mr. Schmoe"). now i'm always interested in verifying the
validity of my "gay-dar," so that's why i actually questioned which team
this guy was batting for. Sometimes you just never know how you should
joke with people and you don't want to come off as offensive if you're
saying shiet that doesn't come across the right way. i'm sure many of you

Metro Man sees that the laser printer isn't working right and Mr. Schmoe is
trying to see what's wrong with it. Mr. Schmoe called the help desk to
send someone to that copy room in order to fix it, so he says to Metro Man,
"The guy didn't come down this morning." SO, Metro Man, who seemed to be
impatient, retorts back, "Yeah, yeah....the story of my life." TA-DA!! AY
- YO!! and thus we have verified it with a funny ass story to boot.....

didn't get it? read it slower and make the dialogue into sexual innuendos,
for pete's sake!!


woke up, got outta bed, dragged a comb across my head....

BALANCE. an essential necessity in order to gain a better perspective of
things to do in life. you need to BALANCE in order to do as many multiple
life experiencing tasks as you can. without BALANCE - you have an
overabundance of a particular thing which is either good or bad. however,
if you BALANCE this particular item/task, then your percentages of it being
good or bad tend to equal out. now, i'm not saying that this is applicable
for all faucetts in life, but it sure is an important characteristic to
hold as a person that seeks to establish a better being in a general
treatment. but the scary part of this insight is that if you take tender
care of something you love and cherish, the balance is not only the
response back to you, but also the negative balance if the love fails.
just like the beatles song goes, "and in the end, the love you make is
equal to the love you take." OH SO TRUE....

randumbly - work thought:

-i'm sick of those brown-nosing, fake smiling, non-caring, behind the back
talking, underworking complainers!! There is a little union of people that
don't know each other but are part of this club because there's one in
every office. there's always that one person that finds it necessary to
complain when complaining doesn't do anything to make it better. he/she
doesn't even do that much work, but they complain and brown-nose to the
boss so much that it makes it seem that they're doing work. NOT!
soooo...NOT! and then they're nice to you, but in reality, they talk
behind your back cause they're also the gossip king or queen of the office,
which is a close relative to being a tattle-tail if you don't get your work
in on time or do it incorrectly. gimmie a break - how old are you?? i'm
getting white hairs just thinking about it....

randumbly - speaking of hairs:

-am i really at that age when i can tell if i'm balding or not. i mean, i
knew some kids that were able to tell when they were in high school, but as
you get older, it becomes more apparent for the not knowing. i'm not
completely going 8 ball, but i can see it happening and there is definitely
a receed action happening. i don't like it....(not that i don't shave my
head...but i still like knowing the fact that i can grow my hair out if i
want knowing i can go buy cigerrettes even though i don't smoke

-randumbly - movie watch:

-saw Hotel Rowanda w/Don Cheadle this past weekend. he should've frickin
won over Jamie Foxx. no offense. i like the foxx, but cheadle just rocks
this movies. i got goose bumps watching him break down, where as i wasn't
feeling Ray. HOWEVER, i was feeling the music - which is (i guess) a
stronger thing to try to vibe to in terms of the intent of the film. you
just figure that with the issues at hand, the academy would've pointed more
towards cheadle. and yes - i'm a loser because on my oscar ballot that
night, i had leo dicaprio marked down to win. but i was totally in love
with aviator. sorry. sorry. i'm a scorsese b*tch. can't help it. this
year - i'm voting for shhhhhhhhhhhh....i'll tell you on that weekend.


the long and winding door that leads to your door will never disappear, i've seen that road before....

greetings hallmark holiday believers,

as we drop our loads of hard earned labor unto fattening chocolates and
adolescent teddy bears wrapping their arms around heart shaped pillows -
less not forget the actual bona fide myth that created this day that
hallmark greeting cards and SDT florists have exploited into a mecca of
importance compared to other holidays.

Once upon a time there was this dude named Cool Petey Valentine and he fell
in love with this chick that he met at a fancy-shmancy ball pah-tay during
those medieval times - ya dig? So Petey was getting his groove on and
bumped into a cutey pie while kickin the robot on the dance floor. he
couldn't believe his eyes and thought that he was living a dream. only in
this dream he wasn't naked and his 6th grade classmates weren't laughing at
him. when he snapped out of his daydream, he only stood there to realize
that the hot little number vanished from the scene of the crime. The
crime? She stole his heart. awwwwww - poor petey V.!! however, he roamed
and played curious like a cat by wondering the 'bouts of the castle. when
he finally found her - he tried to kick it to her only to get haulted by
her royal pain in the arse father, who just happened to own the castle.
trying to get his mack on - petey V. played the playa and told the king to
not hate on him, but to hate the game. only thing that petey didn't know
was that the game was over and he got his bootey beat by the royal guards
known as sir "swift kick" and sir "to your nuts." thus, before petey got
his exile going - he dropped a letter in front of his lady, only to sign it
as "Love your Valentine." and hence, this all happening on the 14th day of
the 2nd month in the year of the lord - you have your Valentine's Day!
ta-da! the end.

now aren't we all just a little bit smarter? i know i'm not.

so go - take your sweety out to a hot steak dinner at the outback and don't
forget to hand her a bouquet of those silk, fake roses that you got at the
gas station for 5 ducketts. cause just like christmas - it's the thought
that counts. HOLLLA!


the magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away...

it's actually getting harder and harder to think of beatles songs as my
post subject. i don't use a list, nor do i cross off anything after i use
one. so i never know if i'm repeating one or if i'm using the right words
or not. it's all from the top of my head. i'm hoping there will be a
future documentary made where they will need a beatles song phraser and i
can get interviewed - my credential on the bottom will say - "beatles song
phraser referrer mastermind dude" has been rough since i've been covering for someone. hence
my lack of posts lately. apologeeeez.

here are your randumb thoughts from past vegas dreams and present breakfast

--is there a way to notice if someone is from out of town or not in vegas?
we went to the swimming pool when it was only 70 degrees, to which i was
thinking that vegas people must think how crazy we were and how cold
outside it was. i personally don't care. we're from chicago where 10 out
of the 12 months in the year, we see and know cold. we're not alaska, but
we are the extremity known as the windy city. those 2 months where we
don't know cold - we know this other thing called extreme, melt your face
and burn your bacon on the street HOT. fun stuff - how wierd our weather
is. SO...we went to the pool and i sat in 70 degree weather sun. i still
got a little color on me skin and feel filipino colored once again.

--what's up with these nightly, behind the scene, undercover investigative,
dramatization re-enactment reports on blogs and myspace and friendster
stuff?? old guys are being perverts? kids are pretending to be older than
what they are? killers and stalkers use it as a resource?? STOP THE
INSANITY!! get lives people! would've thought only crazy
people do these things! bboooohhahahahahahaa!!

JUST KIDDING! but really - can y'all be normal if you use these things?!
i mean, i read other people's blogs, myspaces, friendsters...and yes, i
like looking at pictures and reading about people i don't know. but what
i'm not doing is trying to learn about every person i become infatuated
about. sure - you can read someone's blog, think he/she is the coolest
person, but you still have no clue or idea what he/she is REALLY all about.
people write blogs, make up myspace/friendsters to release thought. it's
sorta like an artform. an outlet if you will. people can totally be
themselves and then some choose not to be at all. they can live as a
totally different person by portraying themselves with pictures they find
on the web and words they take out of a book. THEREFORE, my advice to
people that are living this other, secret identity, lavish lifestyle - just
don't be crazy. wake up! there ARE other people out there who use this to
become better writers, or to network on this technology called the
informational highway....NOT just trying to hook up with some finally legal
18 year old chick who can take a saucy picture with her camera phone. MOVE

--tea is good. bananas are great. and red ink ballpoint pens rock.

--current wishlist: - i wish to get an acceptance letter from northwestern
soon! (please, please, please, please!) - i wish to go to
sundance/toronto/chicago asian american/tribecca/slamdance/cannes film
festival within the next 2 years (not as a regular, ol'viewer but as a
entrant). -i wish to eat something ethnic this weekend. - i wish i had on
cooler socks today. -i wish it were 4:30 pm right now. -i wish my
documentary were 85% done instead of 25%.



maybe you can drive my car! yes i'm gonna be a star! actually has a hold on me...


--cinnamon tea from barnes and nobles - kick ass!

--vegas made me $100 bucks richer from gambling but completely broke from
partying. carribean stud poker is my friend.

--i'm a notary public. in a wierd sense, i work for the state. why don't
they give me state benefits then?

--too much fiber makes your stomach talk to other grumbling stomachs,
saying "geeez...there's a lot of hot air in here!"

--COLDPLAY ROCKED MGM GRAND ARENA!! Such an awesome concert! not a huge
coldplay fan, but this concert possibly made me into one. must get their
music and am definitely going to the chicago show in march! hollla!

the end for now....