It's simple - I write and you read. End.


northern song

patience - is it really for you? OR is it really for the other guy?

i'm starting to believe that the trait of patience is as equally BAD as it
is good. I've always thought patience is a great asset to have and taking
your time on things produces better quality. HOWEVER, as i'm becoming more
involved with my projects - patience is also letting people get away from
stuff. people easily take patience for granted. another aspect that is
not to the fault of evil (as i'm guilty of it too) is that people DO get
busy and DO forget to do things. so patience would be important for
keeping up good relations, but patience would not be good if you know that
the person can be forgetful.

randumbly - do you really get mentally hurt when someone penalizes a
characteristic you pride yourself on? i do. i don't think i should as i'm
a "guy," but shiet man....i have feelings too. when someone says i'm not
funny or not patient or very unreliable - i take it to heart because i
really do pride myself on those assets. it's all i got man. i think my
other big characteristic is pride itself. i have lots of pride. when
someone pokes at it, i take offense to it. and i hate getting sour - i
wish i could brush things off my shoulder but grudges are evil. you want
that revenge so badly because greed and being selfish is easy to do.

it's all hate man. just like star wars - it's easy to get unto the dark
side. but i'm tellin you - it's just as stressful to stay that way. it
takes more work to start shiet up and be angry at someone than it is to
just shrug it off and be on your way. i get too much crap from sexually
deprived men because they build up too much testosterone and can only take
it out on other guys. you get some beer in them, say the wrong words, and
bam - they hold a grudge on you cause in retrospect and all honesty - men
are truly little babies. sorry men - i'm not gay, nor am i a p*ssy....but
honestly, we get too worked up and are probably worse than women cause we
don't release our anger. we keep our feelings bottled up and act like
little babies to try and compensate the way we feel instead of standing up
with a little confidence, being a man, and saying what's on your mind. we
also act more sick than we really are and need more help then we actually
ask for. just stop being a frickin baby and speak up!

okay - too much drama that's unnecessary needs to go away. hope y'all are
having better days!


then there was music!

Wow - my documentary made a magazine! woo hoo!! Exit Weekly is a magazine
based out of New Jersey and luckily, my boy Greg P-diggidy dropped some
knowledge about my film to his editor. Next thing I know, I get a call on
my day off, answer some questions and a week later - bam...I'm public.
It's good P.R. Well - if you think about it, anything to be in the public
eye is good P.R. Good or bad vibes will nontheless make people talk about
you. If I stir up a little contro - sure I'll take it. I just want people
to start taking interest in the matter. Check out the documentary blog

I'm on the verge of creating a production company. Still working on a good
name for it though. Didn't know how difficult it was till I started saying
the names out loud. I'm trying to use my vast humor to play a pun on
something that I liked when I was a child. Can't think of anything though.
I'm sure I'll think of something...

MAN - I watched Swingers last night. Didn't realize how much I missed that
movie. It's SO good for what it costs and how it played out production
wise. Here's Jon Favrau, Vince Vaughn, and Ron Livingston broke on their
asses and trying to crack into the biz. Jon writes up this stellar
screenplay and gets in cahoots with one of his friends who's a producer.
She gets Doug Liman into it, just as an advisor. then he gets so caught
into it that he wants to direct it. for like 5 or 6 months, they build up
funding. the shoot for a couple of months and then get it out to the
people. they reached more success through dvd than theatrical rec. the
story of how this movie got made amazes me, as you can see. vince and jon
rock the scenes and ron livingston still plays one of the better straight
men in my opinion (next to steve corral and will farrell). ["Straight Man"
is the character that plays up the "normal" person. he's the guy that is
the everyman and isn't outlandish with his demeanor. past "straight men"
are Felix Unger, mr. drummond, and daddy warbucks.]

rockin da casbah!


I read the news today, oh boy....

i'm seriously running out of beatles songs to name my posts after. i may
start apologies.

AH - if you look at the paper today as opposed to one of my prior posts -
netflix is sueing blockbuster for using the same methods of dvd rental.
frickin coincidence city man! maybe someone from netflix is a frequent
flyer of randumb 101 and said, "wait just a gosh darn minute! blockbuster
IS rippin us off!" and again, i'll say that i'm waiting for my comp check
in the mail from netflix. holla!

4 days later from starting a screenplay at 11:30 pm on friday night (after
the coldplay concert which was of less energy than vegas version). i am 64
pages deep and probably only 60 percent done. what sucks is that i know i
have to cut out so much crap, that i don't even know if i'll still have a
full movie in my hands after editing. however, i must say, this screenplay
is taking the life out of me. the only rest that i see throughout my day
(for the past week) has been sleep itself and my morning commute with my
cousin. i just sit there and try to not think of anything. its very
difficult though.

i'm covering for 2 people at work this week. one is out on operation and
the other is nursing a cold. [which i've always thought to have sounded
wierd. in essence of "nursing" a cold, doesn't that mean that you're
taking care of the cold like you want to make the cold to be stronger?? ]
so i'm swamped at the dayjob. right when i get outta here, i write on the
train. once i'm home, i either eat or write. this whole month is asian
american heritage month, which means i have footage to tape every week this
month. thing is, i NEED to finish this screenplay by a deadline of april
17th. i'm mentally and physically tired.

i have no time to watch movies. my netflix is not paying off this month.
SEE - i add on this extra project of a screenplay, and i'm extremely wiped
out. what i hate the most out of it - it doesn't seem real. to me - i
feel like everyone around me thinks this is childplay. like i'm not
serious or it's a daydream with no immediate result to it. i guess it
sucks when everyone in the world wants to be in the movies - but who's
really doing anything about it?

editing is the key to my documentary, screenplay, and in a

"you're so deep that i want to laugh in your face."