It's simple - I write and you read. End.


i'm fixin a hole where the rain gets in and stops my mind from wondering....

SO the list is out! your oscar nominees have been declared and like i said
in previous posts - Crash was up for best original screenplay. ALSO, my
man philip seymour hoffman is up for best actor. HOWEVER, you know who i'm
pulling for (but will probably not win) - Paul Giamatti for Cinderella Man.
He's just a great guy man. I love pig vomit! thank god My Date with Drew
wasn't nominated for best Documentary. March of the Penguins was and so
was Murderball - which were two good docs, but i'm giving this one to the
Penguins. I'm gonna try to watch munich this week or next. i think it
might be a sleeper. however, george clooney seems to be pullin for a
trifecta this year. we'll see how that goes. those are the 2 movies i
need to see before i make my predictions - munich and good night.

ANYHOO....randumbly speaking, i was thinking about voicemails today. how i
hate leaving them, but wish i got them. personally but not at work. when
it's at work - it usually means more work. like getting mail - whenever i
get mail now, it's just something that reminds me of how much i owe them,
how bad my credit is, what i wish i could where but can't afford, what
event i can't go to, or a hallmark holiday has arrived again. you know
what would be the coolest - if i got a card in the mail for doing
absolutely nothing. for just being me and someone saying - "hey buddy -
good job for being you." i've given cards to people for that. not because
it was a holiday in any aspect, but because i felt like it. maybe its just

continued randumbness - current list of pet peeves:

1. people who eat with their mouth open - ugh...quiet please! but i try
to ignore it when i hear it....

2. hippocrates - okay, i could be guilty of this sometimes, but
i don't think its ever extreme. if i catch someone saying or doing
something they said they wouldn't or couldn't, i get frustrated because of
their hippocracy. and most times - i get the stare when i say, "i told you
so." no one likes hearing that. there should be a new list - "phrases
people don't like hearing." it would be that and "we should just be

3. stupid people. alright, so i have my own personal test in my head to
verify if someone is stupid or not. i have a very high tolerance for
idiotic things and am very patient, open-minded, and love to teach to
people that like to listen. HOWEVER, if there is some reason that makes me
( ol'jonald....the soul of a saint...) get angry or think of
you as stupid - then something HAS to be wrong. only cause i'm usually
cool with everyone. again...maybe it's just me...

4. blemishes. god - outgrow me already!

5. money - always!

the end....for now....

AH...less i forget to indulge you --> vegas dreams become reality in 48


whisper in my ear the words you want to hear and then i'll be kissing you....

Alright, alright, alright -- so i'm a spitter! big whoopdie do! i tend to
have a little spittle problem when i talk and it's only because i'm more of
a mumbler that when i do talk a muck and start to anunciate words, i tend
to share drips of my morning mouth wash to unsuspecting listeners. I
apologize! I'm also an open person, so if i do it, I'm not ashamed to say,
"holy geez, i just spit on you. i'm sorry," instead of how people continue
to keep talking and try to make you ignore what just happened. the only
time i probably don't apologize is if it's in a more formal setting and i'm
giving a talk to a group of people. then it's like i'm Gallagher and
instead of getting smashed up watermelon on ya - it's just my spit and
occassional piss (for when i give talks about how to neutralize venom from
snake bites - which is all really metaphoric).


does anyone say "you're welcome" anymore? i mean, i'm sure people do, but
it has certainly become less and less. it's more like an "mm hmmm" sound
or a "no problem" form of expression. but why do we continue to agonize
ourselves, especially in the work place. why must we follow this invisible
protocol of etiquette that says that we're suppose to take work and enjoy
it? get real! (i'm not saying that you can't enjoy work. i'm just going
with the majority of people in society that wishes that they were
constantly on vacation instead of pushing keyboard buttons for 8 hours a
day.) the world of reality and truthful speaking, when someone
gives you work, and they say thanks, you should say, "up yours, buddy!
you're not welcome....i don't want to do this! i'd rather be chillin by
the cooler like you and joe do every 20 minutes talking about how sporting
events control the schedule of your life. now leave me while i do the crap
that your lazy ass is capable of. PEACE!" or in the example of Reality
Bites - "I'm audi 5000!"

even more randumbly.....

Along Came Polly was a better movie than i thought. I watched it last
night and it started off sorta cheesy, but i am now completely sold on
philip seymour hoffman being an awesome actor. didn't think too big of
him, but i saw copote last month and thought he was awesome in it. i loved
him in punch drunk love and boogie nights - smaller roles, but he just
played them so well. and now seeing him in a more comedic role with Along
Came Polly - awesome. so cool to be that versatile.
FYI - mark it on your calenders! February 12th on bravo! Dave Chappelle -
James Lipton in the Actor's Studio! AWESOME!! can NOT miss that!


for red is the color that my baby wore and once more it's true - yes it is!

SO, i'm not sure why i'm wearing it but i'm not too fond of turtlenecks.
sorry...maybe it's fashionable and it depends on how you wear it....but't really enjoy it too much. don't get it. why don't you
wear a scarf? and if i wear my scarf with my turtleneck, am i just an
idiot? maybe i just feel too constricted and like to expose my swan like
neck...well...i actually look more like a goose when i sit up straight and
my neck is streched out - so goose-like if you will. whatever...just
thought i'd randumbly share that....

sorry i haven't written in here in forever and a day, but i've been
covering for someone at work and it's been pretty chaotic. and why is it,
after explaining to higher level beings at the work place that you are
swamped and have been running around like a chicken with it's head chopped
off (reference Faces of Death part 3), they have no problem giving you more
work. "I'm sorry boss, i've been running frantically to get this doc out
a.s.a.p. ....uh, what's that? you want me to do more work? oh why
yes.....yes...i believe i'd be utterly delighted to do this extra thing for
you....just pardon me as i ram this letter opener through my hand as it
will divert the actual anger that you're installing in me right now."
enter in stab wounds and bloody gore....

happy chinese new year! those applicable...

you know when you buy soda cans in the new preferated tear away to form a
can dispenser in your fridge - uh...not a fan of that either. sorry...i
know, i know..."How can you not like the dispensing action?! Come on!"
but for me, it's like - can we be anymore lazy?? if you can fit that box
into your fridge and just keep it open, do we really need the dispensing
action to help us get through that cardboard overflap? is it intensified
with some sort of invisible force field that will only open when it senses
that you need a drink? and if you don't need a drink and just want to open
it to see how many cans are left, you get shocked with mini-volts of
electricity - that by making you need a drink cause you've collapsed to the
ground. this is all too troubling if you ask me and so i'm sticking with
the no dispenser! (and if you see it in my fridge - that's my cousin's!)

i will hibernate now...


anytime at all, all ya gotta do is call....anytime at'all!

prewarning to something disgustingly raunchy:

you know what really makes guys into dogs -- when they scratch that little
piece of skin between their anus hole and testicle sac. what the heck do
you call that part of your body? i've only heard people call it "the most
smelliest part" of the body and i believe it. yes - it should be worse
than the actual a-hole itself because that gets cleaned (if you're normal)
but that little piece of skin gets the residue of the toilet paper scrape.
yuck man....sorry to throw some alarming and disgusting thoughts your way
if you happen to be eating lunch.

SO...superbowl...yeah....uh....two of the most unprolific teams in the

you know what's funny to realize about comedic actors turn dramatic and
being really good at it....the comic routines they use to do. Per se - In
Living Color alumni -- Jim Carrey and Jamie Foxx. Carrey was the Fire
Marshall and Jamie Foxx was ugly Wanda. now, Carrey became one of the
highest paid actors for the big screen and Foxx is an Academy Award Winning
actor. go figure! i always thought David Allen Grier was the more
prominant actors on that show. guess i was wrong....

speaking of academy awards. my early early prediction right now -- Crash
better win for best original screenplay. AND My Date with Drew better NOT
get nominated for Best Documentary or else, i will be very, very upset with
the academy's standards! it's just shows that i have an awesome chance at
winning the academy with "That Asian Thing." (which i wouldn't mind
....but let's not let me lose my hunger for greatness just yet....haha!)

randumbly - there is this big surge from users. isn't this
just a rebirth of friendster? and yeah, yeah...."it's better than
friendster!"...whatever dude - it's the same thing! it's like there can't
be another type of netflix or there can't be another type of craigslist.
gimmie a break! there's always been original ideas out there and when it
gets churned into something better, everyone jumps on the bandwagon like
there's an extinction of cows (which would be ungodly!). yes - i'm guilty
of having a myspace and a friendster - i'm also guilty of having a yahoo,
hotmail, and gmail account. and sure - i have a pay pal, wageworks, and
online bank account. OH, OH....i also am a lotus notes user at work. i
have a blog, a geocities website, and whatever freebee thing on the web
that takes up my empty time in the pursuit to seem more busy than i really
am. Geeez! wasn't the invention of the web for the purpose of
transmitting war plans and actions amongst troops? and now everyone's
trying to rule the world. so now i ask you....

can't i just be number one on the playlist??


LOS PARANOIUS - invites you just enjoy us....that you can do...

When in the world did we find it completely and utterly necessary to try
and save as much time to do a task in the quicket, most efficient manner?
First off, I am totally gung ho for learning methods that will make things
or routines easier to accomplish, HOWEVER, gimmie a break with trying to
save "3 seconds." I'm not joking. We're taught to save 3 seconds
everytime we turn on our computer. "Why don't you create a shortcut to
that folder and place it on your desktop?" "Why don't you copy and paste
that text without having to retype the whole thing (especially when it's 3
words long)?" "Why don't you save yourself three key strokes by bla bla
bla bla bla!!!!!!!" ARE WE DYING ANY SOONER? cause i know i'm trying to
live a full life but i'm not trying to win a race of how fast i can
accomplish it. sometimes i want to take it just a little slower and enjoy
the fact that i can type 75 words per minute. haven't people learned that
if you know the hard way before the easy way, you're safer for when
mistakes or accidents happen? AND YES, i do realize that there are people
in this field to take care of you if you do mess up and that you shouldn't
have to learn the hard way, but for me, personally, i sorta think it's
lazy. i like trying to figure things out for myself. i try not to call
anyone up unless it's something big or it's something i don't have time to
learn right now. WHICH leads me to this nicely, randumb list.

TEN THINGS I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN RIGHT NOW (in general and in no order of

1. how to fix a car, incl. brakes, engine trouble and interior design (i
want a new radio, damn it!)

2. how to speak spanish or italian

3. how to edit film on my computer

4. how to write a guarenteed oscar winning screenplay (i think i know how
to do this, but the guarentee part is sorta rough)

5. how to d.j. - spinning tracks and mixing like a ji-jigga-genious!

6. how to annunciate words well and not mumble

7. how to make the coolest website EVER!

8. how to be more fashion sensible

9. (this one's a little more raunchy....sorry) how to hold an erection as
long as i want

10. how to be the best person i can be!!

i had to add one with a little morale in there. ANYHOO....this is what i'd
like to learn RIGHT NOW! it's an ever changing list and i hope many of you
have lists of your own. hopefully you can pursue it and try to lessen the
length of the list.

Quest for Knowledge........


SHEEP DOG standing in the rain, BULL FROG doing it again

the more i get older, the more i'm starting to realize how my name is such
a good (and bad) conversational piece. first of all - it's pronounced [jon
- uld] but spelled Jonald, like Donald w/ a J. I like how older people
enjoy hearing it and repeating it multiple times as I'm talking to them, so
they can remember it, since it's the first time they've heard it. I don't
like when people mispronounce it after hearing other people say it multiple
times and after I correct them more than twice (3 strikes and you're out
buddy!). However, i do have to be in the mood to enjoy explaining my name
and how it's origin came about. I'd rather like to make up new stories of
its where abouts - something like my father was completely hammered while
trying to say Donald to the Birth Certificate writer. Then he just laughed
when the writer repeated with Jonald and thus it stuck cause of the
hilarity behind it. And how appropriate that would be if it were so true.
My name was one big joke after all and here I am in the world, trying to
make comedy come to life with my words.

OR POSSIBLY, there was some sort of mishap with tongue twisting and when my
parents wanted to give me a double R name of Ronald Reyes with the middle
name Jude, they did the Jonald Jude Reyes and messed up while speaking in
their foreign, fresh off the boat accent. Tends to happen but highly
unlikely with those consonants and similar sounds. Filipino's like to
intermix the letter V with B and add multiple S's where unnecessary.

Randombly, how old must I seriously get before I can eternally say good bye
to facial blemishes?? i don't know if i'm stressin out over here, or not
getting enough sleep, or eating too much oily foods...but would god please
throw some oxy on my face?! i need to invest in whatever jessica simpson
is advertising. ha....i just re-read that and imagined saying that in
general without the prior knowledge.

hey dude, what are you gonna buy at the mall today?

man....i'm just gonna buy whatever jessica simpson is advertising.

and thus my collection of daisy duke shorts and mediocre at best cd
collection. oooof...sorry for you fans out there. just ain't my taste of
pop cereal. but i am guilty of watching Newlyweds the first season.
(uh...just don't share that information with anybody outside of this world
wide website)


when i get older losing my hair, 20 years from now, will you still be sending me a valentine...

[and my Beatles song references as my post titles continue....]

one thought this morning when someone was looking at the candy in our
cubicle (which i don't eat) - he said, "How are you guys not as big as a
house?" And my response was "It's just for decorations. They really
aren't candy." Not as funny as I thought it to be though after realizing
what I said. And then I thought of other retorts I could've used to be
more humorous, however, what I thought of instead were reverse
circumstances. I thought, what if we went up to houses and said, "How are
you not as small as a person?!" and then when someone would ask a question
as "How are you not big as a house?" (which is actually a question of how
fat you are), should i answer back with "How are houses not as small as

yes -- i really did think about this. and no, i didn't copy it from jack
handy's thoughts. i'm just wierd like this.

it's snowing outside and i'm wearing ankle socks. i like ankle socks, but
it won't go too well if there's snow that can go over my shoes. so why
can't someone invent sock-add-ons? sorta like this cloth cast that
connects to the top portion of your sock with silent velcro and doesn't
fall off. i'm a frickin genious! send that 'ish to Gap and mail me my
check, biotch!

randumbly - i'm actually busy at work cause i'm covering for someone for
the next 2 weeks. woo hoo....non stop underbreath cursing whenever i get
work! yes!

for this weekend - go bears! and don't let the devil take advantage of
your idle time -- just sleep....


and your bird can sing, but you can't see can't see me! advertisements, commercials, product sayings, bla bla bla
-->these are questions i thought of for your pleasure:

--how big are the scoops of raisins in two scoops Raisin Bran? cause
seriously....those are some big ass scoops. and do they use the 2 big ass
scoops for the big boxes and then smaller scoops for the miniture boxes in
the variety cereal packs? cause i don't get the same amount of raisins in
mini-Raisin Bran. what up with that?

--shouldn't Cheetos or Cheezy Puffs be "Finger Lickin' Good" instead of
Kentucky Fried Chicken? Those aren't licked fingers you see when people
are eating KFC - it's called greese and oil! i know it's so damn good, but
i think i see more people licking their fingers after having any of those
cheesy snacks. which leads me to the thought of how many cheese balls can
you fit in your mouth? sorta like how many grapes can you fit in your
mouth? and now that i think about it even more...why are people always
trying to fit as many round things into their mouths? just teabag it you
perverted freaks! enough with the balls!

--okay...what's with all the guy toiletry stuff having to do with
attracting women? i know sex sells and bla bla bla. HOWEVER, i've been
using Ax deodorant and Old Spice body wash for a year already....i'm not
getting anymore women than usual. am i suppose to carry these products
around with me after i use them? "Hey loooook what i'm using! Hot, huh?"
which leads me to a randumb thought -- what if guys started to approach
women the way michael jackson did in his music videos? so i just walk up
to some chick that i dig, do a little dance next to her which consists of 3
pelvic thrusts and an arm flair, and yell out "YOU KNOCK ME OFF OF MY FEET
NOW BABY!!" does that work?....i mean, i would show her my Ax deodorant
and Old Spice bottle too....ya know?

--yesterday i bought bananas from the grocery store. they had stickers on
them saying "Potassium Power!" welllll....if we're goin that route, i can
only wish to find some prunes saying "Poop Pusher!" or apples saying
"Anti-doctor Myth!" or strawberries saying "Horny Installer!" or grapes
saying "how many of me can you fit in your mouth??"



but when she says she loves you, that means a lot!

personal definition of a "chick flick" -->when a movie initiates feelings
that are too sensitive for male standards thereby injecting estrogen to his
psychie and attempting to make him display un-"guy" like qualities such as
cuddling, crying, or sympathy. Yesterday, my cousins and I watched "Love
Actually" which I've seen before. One of my friends hasn't seen it before
and my chick cousin was sayin "You should watch it cause it's totally not
like a chick flick at all. My boyfriend and his brother liked it and bla
bla bla story story." Now, I didn't think about this till later at night,
but what the hell IS a chick flick? SO...i decided to share my personal
definition of what it is. If my assumption rings somewhat true, then Love
Actually IS a chick flick. Then i thought, why would my cousin say such an
outlandish thing as to NOT call it one? then i thought - to compensate for
the gayness of her boyfriend. no offense to him - i love the guy...he's
practically my cousin-in-law as i'm concerned...but COME ON! just because
some dude is into cars, poker, and
manly-cigar-jack-daniels-cowboy-sh*t-kickin-marines brew ha're
tellin me, he CAN'T POSSIBLY like a "chick flick?!" WRONG! there are a
crapload of guys who are are very, very guilty of loving the mighty of all
chick flicks - the master of relationship anthropology - rob reiner's
classic - When Harry met Sally. SO - Love Actually IS totally a chick
flick and even though there may be some movies that have a fine line
between a dramatic turn of events classic or a chick flick all the way,
just don't say anything at all if you're not sure.

YES - i'm very guilty of being this movie elitist snob, but i don't care.
if i hold back on the one thing that i truly do enjoy, then i'm just
depriving people of knowledge that they might be more intrigued to follow
up on. something that i do alot of when people talk about movies is
'director name drop.' if i know who directed it and know other movies that
he directed, so that there can be a comparison, then i'll do it. HOWEVER,
please don't forget that directing and writing are 2 different credentials
and even though (per se) Ang Lee directed the Incredible (flop) Hulk and
the recently highly acclaimed Brokeback Mountain, doesn't give
justification that whatever he directs next will be either a flop or
completely slow paced (and about homosexual cowboys)...NO, watch for his
use of sceneric cinematography and wide shots of land for bigger impacts
relating to the plot. AND that my friend was jiggy movie knowledged
dropped on your well-deserved booty. you're welcome.


scarfs - i love'em and wish i had more of them to match clothes with.
socks - i love'em and wish i had more of them to unmatch my clothes with.

Let's go BEARS!! i wanna superbowl shuffle to an underdog team....woo
hooo!! defense does win people!

Vegas countdown is less than 4 weeks! sooky, sooky nah.....


love is old, love is is old, love is you.....beeeecause...

is it sick when you blow your nose and then check to see what you've blown
out? some may think so...but i still do it. i like to know the sucker
that's been f*ckin up my breathing. "You annoying little ickyness! i kill

has my writing been raunchy lately? i was reading some of my past posts
and although some of them do have depth to it, most of them are randumb
blue humor unclever jokes. i'm gonna have to work on that. BUT IT'S JUST

new annointed annoying people --> old, selfish sticklers! eeerrrrrr! when
i say "old, selfish sticklers" i mean the old people that have grown to be
very selfish and feel that they can do whatever they want because they're
old now. there's this dude at work. older indian man. he must be in his
late 50's or mid 60's. i feel bad for him whenever he goes to the urinal
cause he has to rest his whole head against the wall as he's pissing. you
can hear him doing some kind of breathing technique cause he has a problem
doin the number one. so, he takes his time with this. BUT WHAT I HATE -->
whenever i'm in there, he always stares at me. "i didn't do anything man!
stop staring at me!" and once it hits 4:45 pm, he immediately grabs his
jacket out of the coat closet, without fixing the doors properly and then
has no consideration for getting on the elevator. if people have been
waiting there before him, he won't let them on first....he doesn't care.
he's on and off first. mean old man! errrrr! and i won't even start with
the old assuming ladies here....

"who moved my cheese?" - you should read this, learn from it, and evolve.
the end.

the weekend is here. wooooooohoooooo! i'm tired. i've been tired this
whole week....but for some ungodly reason...even with free time, i just
can't use it to sleep. all i want to do is catch up on the things i can't
do during the week. this work thing gets in the way sometimes! it's a
good diversion to get through the day and you make money and stuff, but
really....there are people out there who do whatever they want and get paid
doing it. i think they're called mystery shoppers or uh...prostitutes.
speaking of prostitutes...VEGAS HERE WE COME!


fallin, yes i am fallin...and she keeps callin... me back again....

please shoot me if my morning conversation consists of " beat me
on a different elevator" and "Well...i only had one stop along the way and
then it was all me." Whatever happen to ideal morning chatter that had
just a little more depth into the person's life. we aren't robots people!
if you've worked with someone for awhile and want to release some form of
work stress, then by all means - keep it real. the only drawback is that i
wouldn't keep it too real with the supervisor. however, with people that
are on your level (more than literally...but mentally), then just say
something else to get tangent with. It can start general and then get more
detailed as time proceeds. even sports has an indication that you were
watching a sporting event last night, either at your house, with your
buddies, or at a strip club. at least it can lead into a more indepth
conversation. example:

he says, "morning." she says, "good morning. how are you?" he says,
"oh...just a little tired." RIGHT THERE...that's what starts it. a hint
of truth that leads into a more indepth conversation. if she cares, she'll
continue with "up late last night?" if she refrains and wants to end the
conversation, it goes to, "i hear ya. same here." sometimes i think its a
matter of playing 20 questions. just keep it enlightening by asking
questions about the person. stuff like, "did you watch Lost last night?"
or "How 'bout them Bears?" or "does your hair naturally curl in this
weather or do you use a curling iron?"

i believe that people help make work get past monotony. when you go home
to your loved one, you talk about people or events that have happened --
but even the event that has happened stems from the doing of a person.
that's why i have become friends with people who are insane. those insane
people are called artists (writers, actors, theatrical wierdos, etc.).

another good thing about being in my mind. i'm a drama queen that super
embellishes things that are simple, making things just a bit more
intriguing to hear when telling a story. and if there isn't a punchline -
i make one up as i go along.

on top of writing up sketches, my masters application essays, and random
other work wants me to write up my personal job book. i'm
calling it "jonald's job for dummies" and hope to mass market it within the
company, making me millions. MILLIONS I SAY!

dream a little dream of me....


back in the u.s. Back In The U.S. BACK IN THE U.S.S.R.!!

completely exhausted! i'm terribly, terribly tired and my eyes are so
frickin heavy. isn't that the worst feeling? trying to continually update
your monotonous computer mouse movements and keyboard sounds that your eyes
become weary, and the self - proclaimed curements to this ailing dreariness
such as drinking water or sitting up straight doesn't work. STILL, we must
proceed with the zombie like looks and the head bobs that we try to fight

new year's eve was a trip. people become more friendly in this new found
pressurized situation where midnight is the eternal glory known as "must
kiss anything that has a mouth." i saw things that were somewhat
disturbing and for some reason, if i saw the same act of "action" it in my
frat house 5 years ago after a party, i would probably root it on. this
one instance was where a cute chick talking on the phone crossed the street
and sat on a ledge on the side of a building. a very drunk man had crossed
the same street and saw her sitting there. this was about 10 minutes apart
as my friend and I stand with our hands up in the air, looking for an
available cab to stop. i'm sure they didn't know each other and the girl
on the phone didn't seem as heavily intoxicated as the man that followed.
HOWEVER, as she's sitting there on the phone, minding her own business,
this dude stands next to her and starts lifting up his shirt. not standing
straight whatsoever, he motions his pelvis towards her to indicate, "i'm
ready for a hummer. indulge me." here's the disturbing part....she didn't
push him away or tell him to get lost like a sophisticated young lady would
do...rather, she stands up, talks to him in his face and they walk away
somewhere. i turn my head to look for a cab and turn around again to
continue my behavioral study to only find them gone. all i can say is that
it was disturbing and a girl with looks like hers should not have to
degrade herself to the type of guy that this guy was. and he wasn't even
good looking folks. i can say with complete security of my masculinity
that this guy did not match with this girl. BUT like i say - new year's
eve was a trip.

back to documentary work. finally...all this holiday crapola is done and
now normality (whatever that may be) can attempt to run regular routines
back to the minds of people. AND the weather is decent once again to not
make everyone frozen once they walk out of their house.

now....i sleep with my eyes open....

gonna do this for REAL cause of your new year's better
keep up with it cause i swear ta gawd, you're taking up too much space on
the crunch machines, track, and stairmaster during my normal gym hours!!