It's simple - I write and you read. End.


That Asian Thing Showcase - BE THERE!

A unified voice.

A unified race.

A one night show.

Be part of the concert event to be featured in "That Asian Thing" documentary. Live and experience the talent of Asian American artists!

"That Asian Thing Showcase"
Saturday, August 12, 2006
7 pm - 9 pm

Fred P. Hall Amphitheater - Palantine Park District
262 E. Palatine Road
Palatine, IL 60067

Cost: FREE!
There will be a sliding scale donation of $5-$15 to help fund the completion of "That Asian Thing" Documentary.

NOTE: This will be an outdoor event. Please bring a lawn chair, blanket, or just yourselves and enjoy the music!

More info @

Address or Intersection:
State: ZIP Code:



black, plastic cup i eat cereal out of


i hate to compare "stress" stories, but people always feel the need to
chime in with their bigger d*ck story when you're just trying to release
with what's going on with you. no one wants to listen and give you
objective advise or thoughts on your situation. all they want to do in
return to your stress story is make you feel worse by telling you what's
wrong with them. and yes - i do listen when someone tries to "relate" with
their own problems. or when they say, "I remember when the same thing
happen to me and bla bla bla..." i'm just not super keen on people
changing the direction of the conversation and then making it concentrated
on them. it's sorta retarded to ask, "how are you?" cause in reality, all
you really want to do is tell someone how much shiet you're going through.

thanks but no thanks.


diet coke

Sometimes i can't walk into our work cafeteria because there is a high
chance that i will walk into the "gossip group." NOW i don't partake in
work gossip, but i do listen to it. however, it's not on the intent of
wanting to know personal infomation, it's more on the intent that most of
the gossip people are older in age and hearing can be a little weak.
therefore, they tend to speak a notch higher and when i'm not trying to
listen to these "rumors," you just can't help to hear it cause it's really
loud. i just feel so uncomfortable hearing these people talk about other
people and then knowing that they're gossiping cause they lower their
voices a little.

it's like knowing that you procrastinate and not doing anything about it.
they know that they're gossiping but they see nothing wrong with it. you
know what's funny about the "gossip people" is that they become part of
gossip themselves by being so proactive in the whole scharade. bla! i'm
done with this....

is it me as a one-person corporation or am i really that popular with
getting mail? ever since i've become incorporated for "that asian thing" -
the mail has been more and more under groovy ghost films. funny though -
they're doing what i need to be doing. mass marketing and just getting
your name out there. you figure that if you send about a jillion flyers
out about your service, about 20 to 30 percent should actually look into
it. now that i'm a business - that 20 to 30 percent is looking pretty
gooooooood, if ya ask me.

help a brotha out!


rubber band

i've become what i hoped wouldn't happen. i am now pigeonholed into always
documenting things. this past weekend, i went out to have a good time -
have some drinks, get my buzz on, watch people pass by and enjoy the
nightlife. i brought my digital camera with me because it was my friend's
birthday. i mean - she took pictures at my birthday, so i sorta felt
obliged to help commemorate her own drunken times. however, everytime i
took a picture, people would say, "it's for the documentary! look out!" or
"is this gonna be in your film? asians having a good time...." or "i'm not
signing a release form..."

now i know what you're saying - "you got yourself into this." and i'm
fully aware of what i've done and how it may altar my future lifestyle.
however, gimmie a break people - it's like me always saying the same joke
to you over and over again. it gets old and annoying after awhile. don't
you think? and also, before i did any of this, everything seemed to be
"normal." now what? i start working on any sort of film and this is what
i have to look forward to??

WELL - i'll take it AND a bag of chips!

it makes life interesting and sure - i get heated or i get riled up. but
it shows to myself how close this project is to my heart. how many people
are really passionate about something that had to grow unto them?? in my
age range and in my radius of friends - not many. a good amount of people
just keep doing their jobs, wishing they could do something cooler. well -
i took it by the bull horns and am making a frickin movie! this is what i
want to do and now i'm doing it. no matter how i'm going about it. i'm
doing it.

just let me be able to blog and release in some form. it's not complaining
- it's telling an upsetting story to the masses about my life. bla bla
bla....words, words, words. that's all this really is. isn't it??


ipod headphones

you know what i just realized? since i'm trying to figure out my net value
as a person for the back-up of my production company (Groovy Ghost Films,
Inc.), i've realized that i have no savings. i mean - this is no surprise
to the people that know me....however, when i stop to think of where all my
money goes. i'd have to say that it goes to life experiences more than
anything. because as i sit here and list things that i can put up as
collatoral or things that prove that i'm not a "bad person" when it comes
to finances....i actually only have a handful of things that can show it.
i don't own a house. i don't own a great computer. i do own my car, but
it's very old and not worth as much. i can't put my girlfriend up as
collatoral (even though she'll say there's no price on her package....which
there isn't unless we've degraded back to slave issues). SO - when i stop
to think about my net value....the only reason (or "excuse") i'm not worth
as much is because i use up my money on doing stuff like going out to the
bars, fine dining, traveling, movies, good times and even treating out
people to these so called "experiences."

do i regret it? hell no!

but i do wish i had something more viable to prove that i'm worth more.
maybe they can listen to my funny stories instead....

my red pen

i'm currently in the midst of trying to raise funds for my documentary and
music concert. MAN - have you ever done telemarketing? making those cold
calls and knowing people don't want to hear it? that's what this is like.
SO - to make it easier, i've tried to grow contacts and get referred to
people/companies by others. it helps a little, but you're still trying to
sell something. the hardest part for me is closing the deal. i can talk
about my project all day, but when it comes to actually tying it all up
with, "so, would you like to help the cause?" - it sure can be difficult.

what gets me a little confused is - where did all my friends go? i know
people hate to be asked for money, but if one of my friends emailed me
about something that i felt he/she were really, whole-heartedly sincere
about AND i thought this person could pull it off, I would definitely try
to throw them a bone. and if it's only 10 or 20 bucks...well, hopefully
they'll accept to be something more than zero dollars. and shiet...i'm one
of the brokest mo fo's you should know.

before i change subjects: ---> ---->know
it and tell a friend!!!

MOVING RIGHT ALONG (sometimes documentary talk can easily take over my
conversation/way of thinking): i got my high school reunion notice in the
mail. interesting i must say. i actually sat down and thought about the
friends i hung out with in the beginning of my high school career and who i
ended with at the end of those 4 years. a complete evolution of such. i'm
wondering if those early jonald friends will be in attendance. i hope so.
it would be nothing more than a trip in a literal sense. so if you're in
the new jersey area - i'll be there come november. holla!

office thought of the day: with technology changing ever so rapidly -
you'd think there were a more high-tech solution to a new form of adhesive
paper connections. in other words - staplers, are they really that cool?