It's simple - I write and you read. End.


orange spice tea

weather does not permit me the freedom to choose on my exercise preference.
i like to run. i started running about a year ago and can now bust out 5
miles without thinking any different about it. the only thing that stops
me from consistently maintaining that adrenaline rush is the fact that
outdoor weather is retarded. it's the extremity of hots and colds that i
know chicago to be. ever since i've moved here, this midwest machine of
wierd weather has placed a never ending question mark for anyone that's
ever asked me "how's the weather like out there?" unless i'm outside, i
recommend just going to and finding out yourself. use 60645
and you'll know what's going on.

moving right along - i FINALLY watched motorcycle diaries. i must say that
there were parts in the movie that completely invigorated me to just go
outside and drive without turning back. i'd love to explore this vast
nation i'm on and make it all that it's worth. everyone is always saying,
"i'd love to travel over seas to [insert your own european dream]."
whereas i'm on the contrary and would like to find all the little nooks and
cranies that you don't know america has to offer. i'm no patriotic son
o'va b*tch, but what i am is someone that adds more value to what it's
worth. the south, east/west, and even the midwest -- all the states
located in these geographical locations of the nation have their own
personal flavor and i'm sorry - but truthfully, being a tourist and just
looking at photographic, travel channel, commercialized memories does NOT
enculture you to know better of the people. because honestly, the PEOPLE
is what makes a town the town. there are different cultural standards and
etiquettes that you just don't know exist. i'm from rutgers university and
there's even a rutgers form of etiquette or knowledge. not everyone knows
what a fat cat is, or that rutgers played the 1st collegiate football game,
or that lauryn hill went to rutgers-newark, or that kristen davis use to
perform at the george street playhouse, or that jonald reyes learned cinema
studies there. SEE!

every place has that certain j'ou no say qua.....

i'm getting older as i type....


bukowski print out

my eyes have opened up to charles bukowski. if you don't know - i suggest
you do because i think i've found my supernova. this man will release my
weariness of a writer's block. already reading 2 excerpts online makes me
want to write for an eternity.

that's all i need to say.


my black and white mug of cafe mocha

do you think the crocodile hunter deserved it? i was watching msnbc last
night and they had a debate on the crocodile hunter getting killed. first
off, i personally don't think people deserve to die unless they have mental
issues where they've killed off heads, but sometimes you have to pay the
piper when you play with fire. SO - i can see the debate. one guy was
saying that he had it coming to him cause he provoked the stingray. the
other was sayin that he's a professional and that something got f*cked up
in the way it was done. i personally think that the crocodile hunter's got
a frickin huge set of cajones. i don't think he deserves to die and wish
he hadn't because he helped make the animal planet channel what it is
today.....but he was playing with a huge fire, so to do something as
dangerous as he was for so long....well, something was bound to happen.....

ANYHOO - i don't watch reality television cause i'm a writer at heart. at
least i try not to which is difficult in our world today cause everything
is reality television. ACTUALLY - good t.v. is back again with the one
hour drama shows (lost, 24, etc.) but the #1 show is still american idol.
so you do the math. anyway, the point is that tonight is the debut of the
new season of Survivor. my friend, jenny, from glenview, IL is part of the
Asian-American tribe. isn't that a coincident? she gets on a highly
acclaimed reality show that provoking the racial card and i'm doing a
documentary on the low impact of asian americans in mainstream culture.
HOWEVER, i don't know if i should interview her. of course she's a fine
fit to the doc, but she's also my friend and i haven't put too much air
time of any of my other friends in the movie. i don't
know....whatever....i'll figure it out later.....

right now, i'd just like to wish her luck and hope she does well. good
luck jenny! watch survivor guys and support her instead of your own race!


flag desktop

the days of chilly and nippy weather are up and about in the windy city.
summer days have already been missed as tempertures level off around the 60
degree mark. autumn returns and my allergies have made me not breathe
again. ugh....

yesterday i watched that 9/11 documentary on cbs. (no, not the harvey
keitel movie on abc.) this was completely and utterly unreal! it's the
one with the french filmmakers who were originally documenting what it was
like to be a new york firefighter and what the newbies go through. i was
explaining to my coworker of how you knew what happen "that day" and how
each part of the documentary was a jaw dropping, "oh shiet" moment. like
you were waiting for when each plane would hit. AND no matter how many
times i've seen the footage - it's always so unbelievable. always, always,

so this is for nine-eleven! today is patriot's day (which makes me think
of when this exactly became a named day...???). wave a flag and have some


rubber band

i hate when i send out like 20 to 30 emails but only get a handful of
responses back or even none at all. makes me feel like the work i did
sucked nutz and it didn't mean anything at all. however, in this line of
public relations (for the documentary), it's pretty important to keep on
pushing forward and getting the word out no matter what. it's sorta like
spam mail, but it isn't cause i don't overdo it and they're all personal
emails directed to a specific person that i'm inquiring to.

i'm tired and bored.

schools starts for kids again. i've been out of the game for 5 years now
and don't feel like i'm utilizing any of it. sad really.....