It's simple - I write and you read. End.


blogger love

you ever question your motives for getting ticked off? sometimes its just
too much energy to stay angry at something/someone. i've gotten to this
place where people get on my nerves because they do stupid things, but i
shrug my shoulders and say 'whatever.' in the past, i've corrected the
problem or told the person my opinion on the situation. but after awhile,
peoples' old habits of being forgetful or being late or being negative get
played out. sometimes you wish people weren't as sensitive so you could
just say, "can you stop being (insert bad habit)!! you know you have this
problem, so fix it!"

but yet again, we don't live in that fantasy world where people realize
what's wrong with themselves and they try their hardest to defeat it.
instead we live in a majority bad habit world with imperfections that we
need to learn to accept as "that's just bob being bob" or "that's okay -
just humor it." this goes back to a past entry where i b*tch about how
inventors are on missions to make us more lazy. like america being the
most obese country, we've created the internet to look things up instantly.
and instead of talking to people and preaching methods of improvement, we
go on these website to complain on what we hate. those daym bloggers!
haha :P


mental drain

this one time in my life i was all about accommodating to the masses as
much as possible. i was "the planner" - the guy that got people together
to do things like have dinner, go bowling, watch movies, or just hang out.
emails, phone calls, and reminders would go out and i enjoyed it. knowing
that people would be laughing and having a good time was always fun because
i was still part of it. then i was also this "leader" - the one that
ordered the food and dealt with the collection of money at the end of the
meal. the guy that had to do a headcount and make sure reservations didn't
fall through the cracks cause someone was gonna be late. the guy that
bought the movie tickets in advance cause he knew it would get sold out if
everyone waited on it.

and then i became tired.

it became nerve wrecking, stressful, and turned into extra work. then
people started to take you for granted - telling you to plan this or that
event. saying "what are you gonna plan for my birthday?" or "shouldn't you
send out an email about the movie?" it turned into a hassle and lost the
luster of just getting friends together.

so i stopped.

know what happen? no one did anything. no one wanted to take the time and
effort that i once endured to get everyone together. so - people lost
interest. people didn't even stop to see what happen. they just went
about their personal lives and would rather care about their own good being
than to create a plan for everyone to jump into.

and now, as selfish and conceded as it may seem, i wish there were someone
that acted like me. i wish someone would take the time and effort to make
plans for everyone to hang out. i do it every once and awhile, but now,
since it lost the regularity and spontaneity, things need to be planned
like 2 weeks in advance instead of happing in a couple of days. we get
older and friends seem not to care or if you don't put out any effort, they
look over what you've done in the past to compensate for it.

and then i became tired again.....


one liner

i like how diet coke prominantly states that it is NOT a significant source
of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and Iron. "you mean - vitamin C for Coke
doesn't exist?"


my far fetch thought for the day

This was in the news this morning:

BEIJING (Reuters) -- Fearful of soaring Internet addiction and juvenile
crime, China has banned the opening of new Internet cafes this year, state
media reported on Tuesday.

THOUGHTS: Okay - so in making my documentary, obviously a question of
where our society is has occurred to me on multiple occassion throughout
each day that passes. My thoughts are that scientists, inventors,
creators, and contributors to our world are pushing forward toward one
goal: how to become as lazy as possible while still being productive. Now
the thought may seem like an oxymoron (lazy producer or producing laziness)
, but I'm sure you get the gist here. Although we're in this phase of
technological advancement, somewhere down the universal evolution, there
may be a breakdown and we may find ourselves back to the basics. Now you
may be thinking, "But J, how can that be? We're so well and smart and
always becoming better (in terms of technology)." Well here's a thought,
hot shot - not to use global warming as my political support, but as an
example of a global crisis, let's say all our resources deteriorate and our
functionality that thrives off of energy runs down. What we have left here
is nothing but our own will power as man. Are we ready for something like
that? Do you believe that every woman and man has the ability to survive
on his or her own skill and wit?? And yeah, this would be like the reality
show Survivor, but do I really sound like I'm far fetched here? I think

In terms of relating to the article at hand in the beginning of this post,
this could be the route that people need to test their will. It's a matter
of stopping the madness and strengthening the weak. Asia has been the
forefront of technology and has pushed the electronics card further each
day. They notice that there's a problem and now they take measures to try
and accommodate to it. Do you think America can do the same? Can we
Americans have something taken away from us to be a test of where we stand
in terms of strength? Can you take away our fast food, our golden age of
television, and our cars?? Would we be able to be a social, harmonizing
nation under a happy, moralistic belief like the goal of just being free?

I dunno man....I dunno....