just an update on your timeline for the life of jude reyes. (i'm not sure how many of you are keeping track as much as i have.) I hit the high point of my amateur running career. When at once, it was just something to do to keep weight off, it has become my own personal escape from the world. I HIT 5 MILES. 5 MILES. DOPE...
the pics were taken afterwards as my only proof. i took pictures of my sweat drenched shirt. the only other proof that i might have are the people who were lifting weights and watching me pass by 30 times (6 times around the track equals 5 miles) in 50 minutes (...gyeah! 10 minutes a mile..werd!). i'm sure they thought, "is this kid STILL running? gawd...stop already Rocky..."
for people that might have known the old me...i'm still here...speakin my illmatic jive werds of wisdom. but i'm just a little skinny and just have this cool little accomplishment (...at least it is for me).
i was SO tired, but it felt good to realize that i ran that long. i literally started mumbling motivation under my breath as i was around the 4 mile mark ("...*huff*puff* come on...you mother...f*cker...*huff*puff*...f*ckin sh*t...let's go..")
now all i want to do is sleep....
dude is that you???
You could be my twin brother.
Seriously - I even make that same dopey expression, wear glasses, have bushy eyebrows...
I'm not kidding - it was unsettling.
oh and i have a shaved head.
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