It's simple - I write and you read. End.


gods will is....

.....for the end of the world to come in terms of natural disasters. at
first, my theory was racial wars because it was a backlash of how american
history was sorta messed up w/slavery and all that. but then i wasn't sure
where asian people would go -- they would sorta just hate on each other for
having better video gaming systems and that's how that race would end. SO,
now i believe its rain, thunder, hurricanes, snow, etc. etc. and the root
of all this are those damn polar caps not staying cold. gods chillin above
heaven, controlling the planets with his RCA universal remote control
planet mover and making the sun get closer to the earth cause venus and
mars are messing up the cool orbiting that mercury has. "this planet bores
me..." as god yawns and pops another Heavenly No Doze. It's like model
trains to him. Hence all these tropical storms/hurricanes putting cities
under water. it's gonna change the whole world into one huge drop of water
that'll get evaporated in 100 years...STARTING NOW!

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