It's simple - I write and you read. End.


i can complain too

i try not to be a big complainer. in fact, i tell more jokes about my complaints rather than going off on something that i dislike. it might've been from the teachings at 2nd city -- to embellish the folly. so, i take what's wrong and bring it to the next degree to make it more of a joke. HOWEVER, i can complain too..

-i write for Chicago Hotlist and am always looking for more writers to jump onboard. the difficult part of this job is that i don't get paid, therefore i can't pay writers. in our day and age, most people don't get motivated unless its for a good cause and sadly enough, their drug is money. don't get me wrong, if Chicago Hotlist were making me money, I'd probably do it way more often. SO...why keep on going? because it's still a business and has the potential TO make money. like a jillion writers that've walked this earth, they've worked on their craft by doing acts of free artistic sharing. this is where i am. i'm dishing out way more than getting back, in hopes and wishes that some publisher/writing company out there comes across this website and says, "this guy has some chops...let's give him a chance." OR in other hopes that people that also freelance come across the website and say, "i wanna write for this website. i can throw him a freebee w/out a problem..." BUT stuff like this is imaginary or few and far between. what i can do is to not stop. imma keep on goin man...cause determination is what gets people to where they want to go. i want to write and this is where i want to go.

-i'm a screenplay writer. i'm working on my 2nd full screenplay. like many other screenplay writers, i've got about 3 or 4 other potential screenplays that i've written up to around page 30'ish or 40'ish. then i would stop, reread and tell myself that its crap. most of the time, i'm right. other times, i just don't know...but i do know that it wasn't something that i wanted to complete. i know, i know...keep on going cause you never know. its probably theee artistic complex where you're your own worst critic. however, i really want this screenplay to be my savior. to be the one that can get me outta dodge. right now, its a VERY SLOW process but i think that its way better than my previous screenplay journeys. just like the prior -- just gotta keep on goin. YOU CAN'T STOP!

...who is destined for greatness? let's find out...

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