It's simple - I write and you read. End.


i will be here, there, and, there, and everywhere.....

i think it's funny when people readily assume that you were naughty in your
earlier years. people seem to forget at work that we're "AT WORK" and
personal behavior is somewhat different from work behavior. in other
words, i don't go over to my friend and ask him if he wants to smoke a
spliff during lunch (...which now that i think about it, would make for a
more amusing day). but back to the topic - not to say that people were
more vigerous and peppy during their younger years, but i think it's just a
facade that people fall for when they truly believe that they know someone
so well. i've worked around people here for over a couple of years already
and people still get amazed when they hear that i'm a writer or i do all
these crazy things at bars over the weekend. in true poetic fashion, most
writers were party animals at heart - wanting to escape a dismal,
distraught world within their own mind to experience life experiences and
share them through the art of literature (either metaphorically or so
surreal that readers wouldn't think it to be true). OH SHIET....that
might've been a writer's secret that I wasn't suppose to tell....guess i
have to send in my club jacket after this is posted. ANYHOO, ending on
this thought - if people readily assume something about you and you like to
play it to your advantage, be smart and use it in ways that would benefit
your exterior persona. Like i'm asian and so immediately i'm good at math,
so when people look at me to say how much to leave for tip, i just shout
out an answer by saying it while it looks like i'm thinking...."ummm...3
dollars and uh....i think 78 cents should be okay.'s right."
people always fall for it....

randumbly - it will supposedly snow like a jillion feet today. not really,
but it's my job to make things sound embellished. AGH! now that i think
about it...maybe that's why i'm a drama queen in my own right. cause i'm a
frickin writer! i'm suppose to put things out of proportion to create a
greater conflict in order to highten the interests of a reader or
voyeuristic viewer. and if it's really, truly voyeuristic...can't i just
call my writing "porn." it gives it that more edgy feeling.

i've done nothing but go to the gym, eat somewhat healthy, read my books,
and write randumb things. aren't these all suppose to be good things? why
do i still feel like i'm not being productive in the right manner though?
something is missing and i can't put my finger on it.....

jersey countdown is now 7 days.....

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