It's simple - I write and you read. End.


Randumb Best Movies List EVER! huh? EVER!!

continuing on with Randumb101's Best Movie List EVER! (please check the
history of the blog to see the previous titles mentioned):

- Crash (2004) -- I believe Paul Haggis worked on this project before
Million Dollar Baby, but don't quote me on that. As far as the business
aspect of this film is concerned (and realizing that I'm in Chicago if
that makes a difference), this movie was not heavily advertised. the way i
took notice upon it was seeing a billboard advertisement while waiting for
the train after work. i did my usual fandango check-up on friday movie
releases, clicked on the movie, read about it and took interest. THEN, i
did more research -- checking, and seeing if ebert had
anything to add. i was completely enthralled with watching this movie, but
since none of my friends really heard about it (...all they kept on saying
was..."oh, that movie with ludacris?"), i didn't watch it till later. NOW
GRANTED, i try to make my friends watch unknown flicks and sometimes i
hit and sometimes i if i mention something they're iffy about,
most of the time they won't do it. WELL -- this movie was a hit. (my last
was a dud -- don't watch 2046 unless you want to kill 3 jillion hours).

CRASH has an ensemble cast with intertwining character storylines.
the basic plot structure is layed out with different plot lines for each
character connecting to each other (it would've been hella crazy if they
ended fellini style and made all the characters meet at the end...but
used 'bookends,' whereby ending the story the same way he started it). the
dialogue is written in terms of saying what people are afraid to say
concerning race. this dramatic overtone still kept room for subtle humor
where applicable. names include matt dillon, don cheadle, jennifer
esposito, ryan phillipe, and even tony danza. such a well written film
that people tend to forget that Haggis directed this piece also. alot of
into camera shots which adds to the scene at hand, especially night
sequences. good use of arial views to create this metaphor that all these
stories are really little exchanges in our big world (better exemplified in
Kaufman's "Adaptation"). I'll just leave you with this. sorry for the
long comment
as it's still fresh in my mind.

- Do the Right Thing -- this is the seed that brought Crash to life. Spike
Lee's joint hit the same racial issues, but in different context. more
with more artistic risks taken, this movie is the Crash of the early 90's.
starting off with this expressionistic dance piece (with fly girl
Rosie Perez), vibrant colors and an array of different lightings for the
outside, made this film a poignaint contribution to black cinema. the
dialogue went along the same lines as Crash, whereas the characters spoke
out, saying what people were afraid to say (especially during that
time era).

sorry to only have 2 movies this time around, but i think it's getting a
little harder to think of movies that are worthy of being on the list.

Movies in my bedroom that are waiting for my viewing: Spike Lee's Malcolm
X, Gone with the Wind, and Hitchcock's Rope.

1 comment:

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