It's simple - I write and you read. End.


randumb oktoberfest thoughts

-there's this mini-tv in the elevator at work that gives you randumb news
while you're enjoying your upward or downward motion. today it said that
it was German American Day, where we celebrate german americans that have
contributed to american history. HUH? What?? Who comes up with these
damn holidays? Is there Irish-American Day too? French-American?
Asian-American? (i'm not saying African American cause they have a whole
month dedicated to them AND there are prominant African Americans that have
made an impact on American society -- like Ludacris and Kanye West, duh!)
And what exactley comes with these supposed holidays? i didn't get a brat
today! no one gave me whiskey on Irish-American day! and i didn't get a
voucher for free fried rice at Eng's Asian Cuisine for Asian American day!!
stop making up holidays people....just stop. the jewish people rule with

-speaking of jews -- Happy News Years to y'all. Rosh Hashanah is in the
house. and don't think i got a lotta chutzpah for sayin what i
jewish fraternity brothers taught me well.....

-watched and listened to the directorial commentary to Crash last night.
amazing. i'm puttin up another list for Randumb Best Movies EVER later on

-what is genital herpes and is it suppose to itch? (....AH...just because
i write it up, doesn't mean i have it. SEE...the impact of writing and
publicizing on this thing called blog!)

-my nose can't stop leaking today. i have a sore nose and it bothers me.
don't you hate it when it starts to hurt to wipe your nose cause you wipe
it so much. maybe that's why my ass hurts too. ('s just from
the gerbils...)

the end...or is it???

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