It's simple - I write and you read. End.


sunday, monday, Happy Days

where throughout social business aspects did people start associating days
to cliche sayings?

Monday is refered to as "back to the grind." Grind what? When did workers
grind on mondays, unless this was a super old'school saying that
the sword craftsmen were saying to each other. "Good day Sir Hamilton of
Hamiltonian. My, I am extremely tired as we must return to our daily
laboring schedule. Thus I shall make you the most superb sword that this
Landonian has ever layeth its eyes on. Hark I -- BACK TO THE GRIND!"

My personal favorite is Wednesday -- "hump day." Technically refering to
getting over the midday of the week. This is as close to a sexual innuendo
that you can get to relay to a boss without coming off as lude. Unless you
throw your penis out, start humping the first cute chick that walks by and
when she screams, running away...all you can do is shrug and say, "Hump
day." (that's when people shake their heads and whisper under their
breath, "i hate when he does that. it's not even wednesday.") But sure,
I'll go along with the cliche joke of it being pornographically related.
This is a PG-13 website with sexual content and profanity. But ooooooh, my
life is so rated R!!

And yada yada TGIF for Friday. Yeah, yeah...thank god it's friday. Sure
he invented it for people to thank him..he doesn't have enough followers as
it is, so he made up another day to make sure he gets his thanks. "My
son...jesus...i think i'll give you some cool powers here and there...but
me, "the one." "Big Daddy One" wants his own day where people do nothing
but thank me. Hhhmmm...Fry Day! cause me loves that fried fish when we
can't eat meat."

I NOW REKNOWN TUESDAY AS "2's Day" when everything comes in Two's including
-- your socks, your shoes, 2 for 2 at micky d's, 2 contacts, and 2 boobs.

I NOW REKNOWN THURSDAY AS "Finally, the 2nd half of this god-forsaken week.
i might as well start partying it up after work cause friday is tomorrow
and i don't do that much work since everyone else is in such a good mood.
and for some wierd reason, i wanna eat fish -- day."

any suggestions....

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