It's simple - I write and you read. End.


when i get older losing my hair, 20 years from now, will you still be sending me a valentine...

[and my Beatles song references as my post titles continue....]

one thought this morning when someone was looking at the candy in our
cubicle (which i don't eat) - he said, "How are you guys not as big as a
house?" And my response was "It's just for decorations. They really
aren't candy." Not as funny as I thought it to be though after realizing
what I said. And then I thought of other retorts I could've used to be
more humorous, however, what I thought of instead were reverse
circumstances. I thought, what if we went up to houses and said, "How are
you not as small as a person?!" and then when someone would ask a question
as "How are you not big as a house?" (which is actually a question of how
fat you are), should i answer back with "How are houses not as small as

yes -- i really did think about this. and no, i didn't copy it from jack
handy's thoughts. i'm just wierd like this.

it's snowing outside and i'm wearing ankle socks. i like ankle socks, but
it won't go too well if there's snow that can go over my shoes. so why
can't someone invent sock-add-ons? sorta like this cloth cast that
connects to the top portion of your sock with silent velcro and doesn't
fall off. i'm a frickin genious! send that 'ish to Gap and mail me my
check, biotch!

randumbly - i'm actually busy at work cause i'm covering for someone for
the next 2 weeks. woo hoo....non stop underbreath cursing whenever i get
work! yes!

for this weekend - go bears! and don't let the devil take advantage of
your idle time -- just sleep....

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