the more i get older, the more i'm starting to realize how my name is such
a good (and bad) conversational piece. first of all - it's pronounced [jon
- uld] but spelled Jonald, like Donald w/ a J. I like how older people
enjoy hearing it and repeating it multiple times as I'm talking to them, so
they can remember it, since it's the first time they've heard it. I don't
like when people mispronounce it after hearing other people say it multiple
times and after I correct them more than twice (3 strikes and you're out
buddy!). However, i do have to be in the mood to enjoy explaining my name
and how it's origin came about. I'd rather like to make up new stories of
its where abouts - something like my father was completely hammered while
trying to say Donald to the Birth Certificate writer. Then he just laughed
when the writer repeated with Jonald and thus it stuck cause of the
hilarity behind it. And how appropriate that would be if it were so true.
My name was one big joke after all and here I am in the world, trying to
make comedy come to life with my words.
OR POSSIBLY, there was some sort of mishap with tongue twisting and when my
parents wanted to give me a double R name of Ronald Reyes with the middle
name Jude, they did the Jonald Jude Reyes and messed up while speaking in
their foreign, fresh off the boat accent. Tends to happen but highly
unlikely with those consonants and similar sounds. Filipino's like to
intermix the letter V with B and add multiple S's where unnecessary.
Randombly, how old must I seriously get before I can eternally say good bye
to facial blemishes?? i don't know if i'm stressin out over here, or not
getting enough sleep, or eating too much oily foods...but would god please
throw some oxy on my face?! i need to invest in whatever jessica simpson
is advertising. ha....i just re-read that and imagined saying that in
general without the prior knowledge.
hey dude, what are you gonna buy at the mall today?
man....i'm just gonna buy whatever jessica simpson is advertising.
and thus my collection of daisy duke shorts and mediocre at best cd
collection. oooof...sorry for you fans out there. just ain't my taste of
pop cereal. but i am guilty of watching Newlyweds the first season.
(uh...just don't share that information with anybody outside of this world
wide website)
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