It's simple - I write and you read. End.
still being drunk? I went drinkin last night and got to bed drunk (not
sloppy, hammered, and vomiting but kindly buzzed with moments of
unnecessary laughter) then I woke up to get ready for work. Came into work
and now it's about 3 hours since I woke up....but yeah....still
light-headed and can't walk that straight. I could really use a nap and
all I want to drink is water. This is really wierd....
takin' a break from all your worries, sure would help alot
extra 2 hours a night after work for last minute Christmas shopping 4 days
before the eve event, and listening to non-stop Christmas music 1 week
before the big day......STILL, STILL I TELL YOU - there's no sense of
Christmas nostalgia in me. It's not like I dislike the event nor am I a
scrooge about giving people presents, but for me....the vibe has
disappeared. Did it really snow on Christmas eve just 4 years ago that
made it seem so magical and now due to global warming all I can do is hope
that it doesn't rain?? Do i neeeeed to have children in order to reassure
myself that i'm not some cold-blooded individual that has no sense of
feeling and thrive off of living vicariously through them?? is this just
another ongoing indication that i'm growing old and my mid-life crisis is
going to be pure hell if I feel like this now?
SO i had an idea, an epiphany, a metaphoric light bulb that's suppose to
symbolize that my mind still works! while being in the midst of filming my
(ahem....plug...*cough*.....! *cough*)
and in the words of Rocky Balboa (from the movie, "Rocky Balboa") - "I
still got stuff in the basement," - meaning that i'm still flowing with
that sweet adrenaline juice - i thought of this idea to make a
Santa-mentary. NOW i'm not sure if i'd want to do this, but i think it's a
good idea. So the premise is much like a product of M. Night's Signs and
the almost forgotten independent hit, Blair Witch Project. I guess it
would be about people trying to find the truth behind Santa. they would
travel to Antarctica and walk many, many miles in the freezing cold to get
to wherever the North Pole is supposedly located. after walking through
the freezing snow, they pass out and this is where it turns into something
like Signs - these midgets come and rescue them. Elves man! Elves!!
I would think it would not be children appropriate as it would be pretty
scary, trippy, and surreal. ALSO - i don't think you ever actually see
Santa throughout the whole ordeal. I think silhouettes, shadows, and quick
images of him throughout the flick would be cool. this is completely in
documentary format. i envision the beginning being this press conference
held by state officials about receiving classified footage that was sent to
them anonymously from the Antarctica. maybe it was held by the FBI during
the 80's and only now is being released (sorta like the John Lennon files
this past week).
It's just an idea to bring hype back into Christmas. It could work. And
no - this wouldn't be a'd be like the Blair Witch - a fictional
documentary. WE'LL SEE....
moving right along - the overhyped event of new year's eve is approaching.
time to either be bored with your family or waste 200 bucks (entrance fee
for open bar & grub w/cab fare) on a forgotten drunken night. joy to the
world! be safe people and as always - wish for world peace!
theory is right, the whole world is pretty hilarious. HA!
10 year high school reunions are worth the 2 minutes right before you're
about to walk into it. every emotion that you've felt from graduating high
school to that very minute resurges. your mentality is completely confused
and you feel like laughing, pissing, throwing up, and gizzing in your pants
all at once. it all makes you want to turn around and not go back. the
open bar is worth it if you take advantage of it.
boredom for me results into unnecessary productivity. instead of doing
real work that needs to be done, i start work that i've never thought of.
3 days out of work and no plans has made me learn to stitch, fix a stereo
using a nail cutter, and all the new dance moves on that MTV.
work always continues whether you're there or not. the only thing that you
missed out on was the results of reality television shows that coworkers
are obsessed about.
updating my 401k and all my insurance plans makes me feel old.
sitting up straight can mask your obesity.
thanks for listening.
kriss kross make ya wanna jump
confrontation?? OKAY, okay....I will say that I am guilty of not starting
beef - HOWEVER, what I do hate is becoming the mediator when someone is too
scared to say how they feel. What upsets me more is when it's between 2
people that know each other very, very well and I would venture to say that
no matter the outcome, status of friendship would probably stay intact.
Then speak your frickin mind, man!
Continuing with that, is it me or has there been a huge upscale rise in
spam emails?? How did they find us?!?!? How do these people get paid and
why are they out there? Because their spam emails about viagra are just as
dangerous as a hacker throwing you a virus. You click on that email and
open up any attachments just cause you think you can get a discount of
p*nis erection longevity and then you're screwed. HA - i guess literally
if it really is about p*nis erection longevity. SPAM GUYS - give it up
man. Stop tricking the 12 year old boys about what's more important in
relationships with women.
Transitioning from that - just love your women, man. Treat them with the
utmost respect and if you feel like something is missing, something is
wrong, or something isn't working in the relationship....just hit the reset
in your head and remember why you fell in love. Mental chaos is difficult
to overcome and the stronger ones are the ones who can make it work. And
remember - just don't become the messenger.....
to whom it may concern,
to whom it may concern - how are you? what have you been up to?
to whom it may concern - narrow and pessimistic point of view to follow.
it's all really a crock full of sh*t and everyone seems so frickin fake.
gimmie some daylight and a room full of straight people that have the
mentality of stereotypical flamboyant homosexuals (...that's cause they're
the only people that speak their minds with no disregard). if we lived in
a better world, i wouldn't need to hold back from telling a person how to
parent their child. if we lived in a better world, i wouldn't have to hold
back from telling anyone that interrupts me that I haven't finished my
thought yet. If we lived in a better world, there would be gizmos and
gadgets that can give evaluations for what you're worth to human society
and place you in the correct job through your wants and needs. God forbid
that you go along with the grain and stay stuck in a job that "just pays
the bills" or is "something to do."
to whom it may concern - WAKE UP, the sleeping people and get them out of
their shells. Let them live lives that push evolution and make multiple
memory books that turn into history books. Stand with objectivity to
figure out what is wrong and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Stop complaining with
words that have no substance because saying "this sucks" or "i wish"
doesn't move anyones feet.
to whom it may concern - get us out of this commercial break and let us
watch better stories. cut the fat and serve the meat cause what we need is
to whom it may concern - i'm tired and i know others are too. are you
to whom it may concern - write back when you can! see you in september!
have a great summer!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell anyone out there reading
I'm not going to tell you how to which way to vote, but I will tell you my
personal knowledge as a novice political activist. When I first came out
of college 5 years ago, my only thoughts of politics were that Bush was bad
and war stinks. Present day - not much has changed. But whatever -
Republican or Democratic, the following is more of a push on voting. I
just wanted to reiterate that I didn't know much coming out of college.
Today, I'm more involved with my surroundings and the society around me.
Not to say that it's because of maturity, but because our voting really
does trinkle down to us personally. You may not think that 1 out of a
jillion can do much...but dag nab it, IT DOES!
Things like health care, the economy, and environmental issues all play a
role by the way votes are counted. These are the basics people! There are
laws passed and the people that vote on these laws are the people that we
vote for because we believe in their vision of what is good and bad. We
like the way they think and we want them to represent us because we believe
that he/she will do a good job of taking care of our needs. Coming out of
college, you may not be so aware because (like me personally) you probably
want to get your own situation settled in. A secure job that you like with
benefits and the right distance for commute. The pay needs to be able to
help you clear off some of that debt and be able to give you loot to party
with. WELL - see right there! Those common things are carried out and
controlled by our voting. Jobs= economy, benefits=health care, and even
socially activity is equal to the little laws of where bars are built,
smoking or non-smoking, and security w/liquor licenses. There's so much
behind everything we do that in order to make sure every bit of it runs
smoothly, we need to have smart people that go out and ROCK THE VOTE.
go and google your county's voting info. Thanks..........
a gala apple
BERLIN (Reuters) - A 59-year-old German man who has spent the last 34 years
in jail has turned down offers to be let out, an official said Saturday.
"He rejected an offer to leave in 1992," Thomas Melzer, a spokesman for the
Brandenburg state justice ministry, told Bild newspaper. "We can't do
anything if someone sentenced to life in prison doesn't want to leave."
The man, identified only as Gerold H, was convicted of murder and sentenced
to life imprisonment in 1972 when the area was part of communist East
German prisoners have no obligation to agree to leave jail before their
sentences have been completed.
BLOG NOTE: SO - this is pretty interesting. Any thoughts as to why he
won't come back to the outside world? Maybe he knows how f*cked up it can
be and doesn't want to deal with all the hustle and bussle of "surviving."
Maybe, like in my previous post, he's found content in staying where he is
and molding his mind to be a machine. He's probably not ready just yet and
needs a couple of more years before he can implement his plan to take over
the world. You never know what these inmates are thinking while cooped up
in the joint and all they have are these books and their minds. I'd
probably have 3 screenplays written out if I were in jail for the past 5
years. (i say only 3 cause those would only be the well-written ones as
opposed to the 20 or 30 half-written or poorly written ones that i started
along the way.) Maybe he's scared to know what's going on with the world
and his mind is too weak to conform to today's culture. It always seems to
be a shell shock even when you travel to another country. Maybe he feels
really guilty and knows that no form of punishment can truly cleanse his
sin. He's not one to committ suicide, so he waits till the lord takes him
away. Sometimes those jail birds can get freaky religious on ya.
What would you do if you've been in jail for at least 30 years and are
allowed to leave? And if you did leave, how would you get back into the
swing of things?
what happens to a man when he seems to be content?
isn't our life long goal to actually reach a state of happiness? well -
what if our constant desire is to never be satisfied? doesn't that make us
stop what we're doing in life? in other words - if man actually did reach
a sense of satisfaction, then what the hell does he do for the rest of his
life? does he keep on doing whatever routine he's kept on doing for the
past 10 years to blind him of happiness? now don't get me wrong - if
someone tells me that he/she is completely happy and nothing is wrong with
his/her personal world, who am I to rain on anyone's parade? might as well
make the best of it and say "happy birthday" or "merry christmas" everyday!
however, our society is only recently waking up to becoming more
pro-active. there was a stink not long ago when culture was more dingy and
not caring....but it's wierd because it was cool to be like that. NOW -
its become more action packed and non-stop multi-tasking. it's cool to
have your computer and television on at the same time while texting someone
and taking notes on your blackberry as you're wearing your headset, waiting
for someone to call. what i'm afraid of is that billy joe down in
never-hear-of-it, nebraska is living his life on a farm and has found
happiness while ben chang is consistantly trying to accommodate to people's
needs whilst still searching for his own stress-free world. NOW - you tell
me though - if a man is so content in either one of those societies (fast
paced or grazin' raisin), then shouldn't he just lay on bed for the rest of
his life like an olf and die with a smile on his face?
doesn't seem likely because i believe god made us to always have a want or
a need as part of our characteristic. if that ever dies out in someone,
then that metaphor of dying out becomes literal. it's sad. we'll never
really find happiness people! things will make us happy....but to be
completely, utterly and non-needing ...well, you better wake up out of
never, neverland cause michael jackson will show you the thriller when you
least expect it.
there's your cent short of 3.
lotus notes
"that's so funny."
you ever hear someone say that without laughing? i'd like to raise my hand
and not only admit to hearing it, but also admit to demonstrating the same
gesture. sometimes you know it's funny, but it's not THAT funny that
laughter is needed, so you simply say those 3 words to parlay the thought.
it's actually a two-sided thought. 1.) depending on delivery context, it
can be somewhat condescending and sarcastic to show that something is
actually not funny at all or 2.) the joke, not being SO funny to puncture
the nerve of laughter, is still understood by the recipient to be in
humorous content and therefore gets props in this fashion for its
acknowledgement. i just wanted to bring it up to speed and let people know
that i hear what you're saying and when you tell me something is funny but
aren't laughing, it makes me ponder the thought if it's really funny or
not. i'd rather get the number 2 reason over the number 1 thought of just
saying "that's funny" because it really isn't funny and it's in everyone's
mentality to be the sarcastic son-ova-b*tch that we are. and post note
that - i am sarcastic too and yes, i too am guilty of quoting the sentence
i've begun this blog with. the end on this.
NEXT ---
"the departed" directed by martin scorsese. my name is j. reyes and i am a
marty scorsese whore. i think the man is god and even think the bad movies
have their moments of shining as well. you just have to look at it from a
different angle. anyhoo - i urge you and deeply suggest that you watch
this movie. make THIS movie stay in the top spot for longer than one month
and remind people that we still love the cinema in theaters and that dvd's
and home entertainment systems shouldn't take away our film experience.
this is by far the best movie i've seen in a theater in a LONG, LONG time
and not to be biased because i've admitted to being a scorsese fan, but to
be objective and a professional film snob - this is seriously, by far, the
best film i've seen in probably 2 years (....only talking about theater
experiences). yes - i know it's based on a hong kong film entitled
"infernal affairs" to which i've watched and say that the storyline was
quicker and shot selections were faster, but marty stretches it out more
and adds his personal twist to his version. i've watched and studied this
man direct for so long that you can tell his style. the simple side swing,
mixed with a rock song from the 70's or 80's with quick shot selections.
i WILL say this in negative light - to show that i'm still thinking outside
of the whore box - is he making cinema too easy for the younger folk with
his simple symbolism? there are a few moments that stick out which make it
too easy to be a film student. per se the guy's a rat, you say he's a rat,
and SO let's show a rat on the screen. this guy's the bad guy, he's like
the devil, SO let's make him look like a devil by using red and
demonstrating a sense of evil. what's up with that?
BUT i still loved it. 3 hours completely unwasted and no chance of sleepy
eye. nothing dragged, nothing was drawn out, and nothing was completely
over embellished. WELL....let me take that last one back. certain things
were embellished but i think in a light where it was overdone to make a
statement to the viewer. in case you know things like that or not......if
not, don't worry about it and just go about enjoying your movie experience
with your date. ANYHOO - go watch this movie NOW!
the end.
an avon calendar
last night I was tortured by my aunts to watch Dancing with the Stars. not
a fan of reality television and only watch it when being forced to by other
people in the room (...usually free food will get me in these situations),
I was mesmorized at how the format is just like American Idol but for
dancing. And this is why American Idol is one of the better reality
television shows, along with Survivor and Dancing with the Stars - because
it's really a higher scale of a game show and not more of an edited formula
to create over embellished drama. that's why i'm not a fan of real world
or big brothers....however, it can get too far when it gets too cheesy,
like the bachleor or joe schmoe, etc., etc. AND yes, those other reality
t.v. show game show type deals can get terrible too - just look at anything
on MTV. however, american idol, dancing w/the stars, and survivor....i
guess they've hit some sort of formula to know how to entice the audience
and keep them coming back for more.
ANYHOO - just watching it last night i already know who won. a.c. slater's
got it in the bag. no fair. the kid use to be on kids incorporated, which
was a song and dance show for children. and then he was on saved by the
bell doing all the dance moves and shiet. gimmie a break. he's already a
dancer by nature. the only other person i think that could beat him is
emmit smith and that's because he was one of the greatest running backs to
ever play the game. he's got the fancy footwork. my only question is -
how can you leave ali landry dude? you're a dumbass.
scorsese's new flick is based on a hong kong film. i'm watching it before
i dip into The Departed. i think i'm going to build a scorsese collection.
amazon used section is calling my name. i love it. goodfellas collector's
edition - here i come!
my birthday is on monday....old.....
orange spice tea
weather does not permit me the freedom to choose on my exercise preference.
i like to run. i started running about a year ago and can now bust out 5
miles without thinking any different about it. the only thing that stops
me from consistently maintaining that adrenaline rush is the fact that
outdoor weather is retarded. it's the extremity of hots and colds that i
know chicago to be. ever since i've moved here, this midwest machine of
wierd weather has placed a never ending question mark for anyone that's
ever asked me "how's the weather like out there?" unless i'm outside, i
recommend just going to and finding out yourself. use 60645
and you'll know what's going on.
moving right along - i FINALLY watched motorcycle diaries. i must say that
there were parts in the movie that completely invigorated me to just go
outside and drive without turning back. i'd love to explore this vast
nation i'm on and make it all that it's worth. everyone is always saying,
"i'd love to travel over seas to [insert your own european dream]."
whereas i'm on the contrary and would like to find all the little nooks and
cranies that you don't know america has to offer. i'm no patriotic son
o'va b*tch, but what i am is someone that adds more value to what it's
worth. the south, east/west, and even the midwest -- all the states
located in these geographical locations of the nation have their own
personal flavor and i'm sorry - but truthfully, being a tourist and just
looking at photographic, travel channel, commercialized memories does NOT
enculture you to know better of the people. because honestly, the PEOPLE
is what makes a town the town. there are different cultural standards and
etiquettes that you just don't know exist. i'm from rutgers university and
there's even a rutgers form of etiquette or knowledge. not everyone knows
what a fat cat is, or that rutgers played the 1st collegiate football game,
or that lauryn hill went to rutgers-newark, or that kristen davis use to
perform at the george street playhouse, or that jonald reyes learned cinema
studies there. SEE!
every place has that certain j'ou no say qua.....
i'm getting older as i type....
bukowski print out
my eyes have opened up to charles bukowski. if you don't know - i suggest
you do because i think i've found my supernova. this man will release my
weariness of a writer's block. already reading 2 excerpts online makes me
want to write for an eternity.
that's all i need to say.
my black and white mug of cafe mocha
do you think the crocodile hunter deserved it? i was watching msnbc last
night and they had a debate on the crocodile hunter getting killed. first
off, i personally don't think people deserve to die unless they have mental
issues where they've killed off heads, but sometimes you have to pay the
piper when you play with fire. SO - i can see the debate. one guy was
saying that he had it coming to him cause he provoked the stingray. the
other was sayin that he's a professional and that something got f*cked up
in the way it was done. i personally think that the crocodile hunter's got
a frickin huge set of cajones. i don't think he deserves to die and wish
he hadn't because he helped make the animal planet channel what it is
today.....but he was playing with a huge fire, so to do something as
dangerous as he was for so long....well, something was bound to happen.....
ANYHOO - i don't watch reality television cause i'm a writer at heart. at
least i try not to which is difficult in our world today cause everything
is reality television. ACTUALLY - good t.v. is back again with the one
hour drama shows (lost, 24, etc.) but the #1 show is still american idol.
so you do the math. anyway, the point is that tonight is the debut of the
new season of Survivor. my friend, jenny, from glenview, IL is part of the
Asian-American tribe. isn't that a coincident? she gets on a highly
acclaimed reality show that provoking the racial card and i'm doing a
documentary on the low impact of asian americans in mainstream culture.
HOWEVER, i don't know if i should interview her. of course she's a fine
fit to the doc, but she's also my friend and i haven't put too much air
time of any of my other friends in the movie. i don't
know....whatever....i'll figure it out later.....
right now, i'd just like to wish her luck and hope she does well. good
luck jenny! watch survivor guys and support her instead of your own race!
flag desktop
the days of chilly and nippy weather are up and about in the windy city.
summer days have already been missed as tempertures level off around the 60
degree mark. autumn returns and my allergies have made me not breathe
again. ugh....
yesterday i watched that 9/11 documentary on cbs. (no, not the harvey
keitel movie on abc.) this was completely and utterly unreal! it's the
one with the french filmmakers who were originally documenting what it was
like to be a new york firefighter and what the newbies go through. i was
explaining to my coworker of how you knew what happen "that day" and how
each part of the documentary was a jaw dropping, "oh shiet" moment. like
you were waiting for when each plane would hit. AND no matter how many
times i've seen the footage - it's always so unbelievable. always, always,
so this is for nine-eleven! today is patriot's day (which makes me think
of when this exactly became a named day...???). wave a flag and have some
rubber band
i hate when i send out like 20 to 30 emails but only get a handful of
responses back or even none at all. makes me feel like the work i did
sucked nutz and it didn't mean anything at all. however, in this line of
public relations (for the documentary), it's pretty important to keep on
pushing forward and getting the word out no matter what. it's sorta like
spam mail, but it isn't cause i don't overdo it and they're all personal
emails directed to a specific person that i'm inquiring to.
i'm tired and bored.
schools starts for kids again. i've been out of the game for 5 years now
and don't feel like i'm utilizing any of it. sad really.....
avery 5262 labels
Maybe I'm the only one that really does this.....uh....nah, I'm sure other
do it too....but you ever look at documents you need to work with and kinda
just stare at it for a long ass time thinking that maybe it'll go away or
osmosis will happen whereby reading isn't required? this is something that
started in high school, developed in college, and is still a part of my
routine. sometimes i'll read parts that i've already read and say to
myself - why am i reading this again? not good. need to start digesting
words quicker.
SO - i'm currently on hiatus from my book club and have lowered my
interviewing schedule for my documentary to get back to the bare bones of
my project. The thing that makes a documentary better than just images and
embellished footage is the writing. Thus, I'm back to a rigorous writing
schedule chaulk full of inappropriate grammar and broken sentence
structure. My reasoning for bad writing is "I'm a writer!" and "I'm
allowed to do it!" Not really - but it makes me feel better to reason it
out this way.
Well - i'm off to buy new notebooks....
keep it clean!
red sharpie
this is a rant. be aware.........
when did everyone go soft? okay - so what i'm getting at with this post is
this: in the world we live in now, more people are inclined to change
their minds and more people are in the understanding that nothing is ever
definite until everyone's in agreement. And to get everyone in agreement
takes awhile or is a difficult task to accomplish.
"what are you talking about???"
no one has definite answers anymore. maybe it's me and maybe it's the
world i live in, but everyone seems to have this "second chance" to change
things around. even look at the NFL or NBA - there are always second
chances with instant replays and referee change of calls. continuing on,
guys turning metrosexual and becoming more sensitive has taken a toll on
them being more confident and stronger with their words. the word "maybe"
is probably used more in 1 week, than the words "yes" and "no" in 1 month.
i'm not kidding.
people are scared to speak their voices sometimes and this really needs to
stop. S-T-O-P!! stop it! Stop It! STOP IT!
say what you feel and do what you want!
i'm not being mean.
i look out for people more than people may tend to acknowledge. i always
try to accomodate to as many peoples' needs over my own. but you know what
the difficult part is? when people don't know what they want and what may
seem like a relaxed, laid back cat - really can be someone that doesn't
know how to speak his or her own mind. do you know this person? he or she
is the same person that says, "whatever you guys wanna do is cool with me."
and then he/she waits until something bad happens to be the first to
complain "see - i knew this was a bad idea!" WTF?? where the hell were
you when we needed a consensus??
all i'm saying is - stop waiting around on the word "might." be a strong
person and work on the word - "yes." as stupid as it sounds, but there's
this quote from harry potter 4 that fits perfectly. "you must choose
between what is right and what is easy." for the metaphoric impaired -
"what is easy" is the thing that let's you not care and let's you give up.
don't be a quitter man...
file folders with massive papers
this blog is for other "guys." you cannot....i repeat....can NOT....use a
guy friend as an excuse to escape from your girlfriend. it doesn't work.
i'm sorry. it may work for some guys, but really doesn't work. let
me elaborate.
bob has girlfriend.
mike won tickets to tonight's ball game. he tells bob that he needs to
know "right now" if he can go with him or not because the ticket can go to
someone else.
bob likes hanging out with his girlfriend, but has never been to a ball
game. he also likes sports and would like to go to the ball game.
route 1: if bob goes to ball game w/out telling his girlfriend (who may be
already expecting them to hang out tonight), he's walking into a trap of an
route 2: bob can decline his ticket and miss out on something fun, free,
and new. however, he will have a higher chance of having sex and hanging
out with his female best friend. to continue though - he will be
acknowledged as p*ssy whipped by his friends and grow more distant from
route 3: bob can try to tell his girlfriend and butter her up for another
time to hang out. however, in the back of her mind she'll know that he
chose his friends over her (more so if she DID have plans to hang out with
him already).
route 4: completely seperate himself from both parties, thereby everyone
wondering what his deal is and why he's acting so wierd. (in essence, he's
not acting wierd but just doesn't want to deal with earlier routes
route 5: insert your own route.
to continue with my initial thought, you can NOT use another guy as a
route. like so....
route 6: bob takes the ticket and uses mike as an excuse. mike talks to
bob's girlfriend and says, "it's my fault he's going. we never hang out
with him. i dragged him here with us. sorry."
that just ain't gonna cut it buddy. she'll buy it to get you out of
trouble for that night....but when you return to the nest - you're so
now let me interject with objective thought. of course this doesn't apply
to EVERYONE, but there are justifications of truth in each route.
different situations apply differently to different people. and yes, i do
know that women can be very cool about guys hanging out with their guys on
a spontaneous notion. HOWEVER, a good majority of women (who'll deny it no
matter what) would rather have the man pick her. it's just obvious. who
wouldn't want more caring, personal attention given to them?
indulge me people....
staedtler mars plastic eraser
please let me answer for myself! have you ever encountered a mr. or mrs.
know-it-all, where they always jumped in the conversation and answered
questions that weren't directed to them? i'm perfectly amiable and accute
to answer my own questions and i will not be scared to pass on the inquiry
if I'm not suitable to drop some knowledge. HOWEVER - just gimmie the
chance to run with it for a little bit - dang!
ALSO - you know what i've taken for granted? The office supply room. I
can still remember the days when i wouldn't have a pen in high school and
hunt for one from a friend. then, if they gave me one and said, "i'm not
sure if it works" - i would do my damndest to make it work. i would roll
it in between my hands, warm it up, take it out of the pen holder, shake it
a lot, and then continuously try to write with it. FINALLY it would work
and then i would have a pen for the day. BUT now, all i do is toss it once
it runs out and grab another bic pen from my drawer. no biggie. how
terrible. in a new effort to save the children - just give up old office
supplies to kids that can't afford new school supplies. it's all for a
good cause!
and then save a tree and eat a beaver!
plum and a Fiji apple
you know what's crazy? (i feel like i always start off my blog posts with
a rhetorical question....anyhoo....) how has the acception of cursing
evolved throughout the last 5 to 10 years that the word c*nt (minus "u")
has become more derogative and sinister than the word f*ck? DON'T GET ME
WRONG - i hardly ever, EVER, use the "c" word unless i necessarily have to,
but wasn't the f bomb considered the mother of all bad ass words? when did
it evolve into becoming more socially acceptable during normal conversation
with your homeys? i know for me personally - it's become a more casual
term during my collegiate years. obviously i use my smarts to clean up
when in proper situations, but if i'm emphasizing a point or just clowning
around, the f-word rolls off my tongue like the letter "r" in mexico. let
me illustrate conversational masterpieces:
"hey mike, how's it going?"
"sh*t f*ckin sucks man. i'm having a crappy ass day."
the end. right there - i can sympathize with mike and know that he really
IS having a bad day. what if we cleaned it up?
"hey mike, how's it going?"
"Pretty bad. I'm not having a good day."
right there - speaking as a "guy" - someone cut mike's balls off and in
turn, would make me retort with a sarcastic response, like "ah...pooky
wanna snuggle?" or "buck up man. help me fill up this bong."
ALL i'm saying is that the f word has evolved into something more
acceptable than the "new f-word" - the c word.
pass it unto your friends. the end......
my jury check stub
problems, problems, problems.....
isn't it funny how sometimes we get to a decision we're not sure about at
work and sorta leave it lingering for awhile before we come to a conclusion
on it? if it's a minute problem, then we just push it to the side and let
it lay there until we have to come back to it or someone inquires of it.
that's when you actually do the, "OH, i just had it on the side cause I had
a question about it...." then you actually ask about it. However, if it's
a bigger problem that you're not sure about - you bring it up with someone
that you're closer with at work. then it turn, it can continue unto
another person. then soon enough you'll have a meeting about this problem.
THEN you'll talk up the problem with all these people in the meeting, come
up with a jillion answers or solutions that were comprised of asking other
multiple questions when the first problem arose, to it becoming a political
debate on what works and what doesn't work according to company procedures.
pretty soon the meeting is over and you know what happens in the end? the
problem is still left on the side until someone brings it up again.
action people!
however, as puffy, p. diddy, sean combs says, "mo money, mo problems....."
contracts and file folders
Do you like what you do for a living? Does it challenge you the way you
want to be challenged? Does it truly interest you that sometimes you don't
even think it's work?
For me - my job is 'okay.' It's still a general job type and isn't
terrible. I work with great people - people that dig what they're doing.
I'm free to work w/out supervision as I'm pretty sufficient in what I do.
However, do I like it? "Hate" is such a strong word, but let's just say
that it's not what I wish to be doing for the rest of my life. I studied
films in college and have been writing my own scripts and screenplays for
over 5 years....but nothing has surmounted from it. And now I'm doing this
documentary. It's my escape from my everyday, monotonous routine at my
daily job. it keeps me on my toes and greatly interests me. However, it
doesn't pay the bills like my day job does. So - I need to start from the
bottom and work hard at it. But I still need to do my day job along the
Have you ever started a job? It's hard to preach an "idea" to people and
get them interested in helping you out. And what's the worst part about it
all is that the part that I'm the weakest in that needs to be the strongest
is FINANCE. You need money to make money. It's sadly that simple and
Making this movie, presenting this concert with just the aid of myself and
2 or 3 people is VERY difficult. I'm sorta surprised I haven't broken down
yet, but maybe it's because I'm confronted that fear from past experiences.
I'm very confident on what I can accomplish and know that I can make both
projects a huge success. What sucks is money! Money has always been the
devil to me and will always be the deciding factor on helping or hurting
me. Right now, it's hurting me.
So when I go out to look for donations or sponsorships, unlike a bumb or a
homeless guy, you DO know where you're money is going. And hearing "I'll
help you out later on" isn't helping me right now. Right now, I wish I had
an extra $500 bucks of a cushion to have better marketing and free stuff
for people to volunteer. But I don't. And this is how dreams die.
I've always been optomistic with society and the aid of friends. I believe
in good karma and think that when I help anyone in the world with anything,
it should come back to me in some other fashion. I don't drag people down
with my own problems and I carry as much or even more weight than the next
guy. But right now, I do have to admit that these projects are hurting me.
Hurting me so much that the overwhelming stress makes me grumpy and unfun
to be with. These aren't traits that I like to embellish, but everyone has
a dark side that they're hiding.
HOWEVER - I'm not a quitter and I'm not a afraid of what's in my way. I
take advantage of this blog to release myself from struggles that I face.
Hopefully y'all will learn from something I share. Otherwise - if you're
in Illinois - GO TO THE SHOW!!
That Asian Thing Showcase - BE THERE!

A unified voice.
A unified race.
A one night show.
Be part of the concert event to be featured in "That Asian Thing" documentary. Live and experience the talent of Asian American artists!
"That Asian Thing Showcase"
Saturday, August 12, 2006
7 pm - 9 pm
Fred P. Hall Amphitheater - Palantine Park District
262 E. Palatine Road
Palatine, IL 60067
Cost: FREE!
There will be a sliding scale donation of $5-$15 to help fund the completion of "That Asian Thing" Documentary.
NOTE: This will be an outdoor event. Please bring a lawn chair, blanket, or just yourselves and enjoy the music!
More info @
black, plastic cup i eat cereal out of
i hate to compare "stress" stories, but people always feel the need to
chime in with their bigger d*ck story when you're just trying to release
with what's going on with you. no one wants to listen and give you
objective advise or thoughts on your situation. all they want to do in
return to your stress story is make you feel worse by telling you what's
wrong with them. and yes - i do listen when someone tries to "relate" with
their own problems. or when they say, "I remember when the same thing
happen to me and bla bla bla..." i'm just not super keen on people
changing the direction of the conversation and then making it concentrated
on them. it's sorta retarded to ask, "how are you?" cause in reality, all
you really want to do is tell someone how much shiet you're going through.
thanks but no thanks.
diet coke
Sometimes i can't walk into our work cafeteria because there is a high
chance that i will walk into the "gossip group." NOW i don't partake in
work gossip, but i do listen to it. however, it's not on the intent of
wanting to know personal infomation, it's more on the intent that most of
the gossip people are older in age and hearing can be a little weak.
therefore, they tend to speak a notch higher and when i'm not trying to
listen to these "rumors," you just can't help to hear it cause it's really
loud. i just feel so uncomfortable hearing these people talk about other
people and then knowing that they're gossiping cause they lower their
voices a little.
it's like knowing that you procrastinate and not doing anything about it.
they know that they're gossiping but they see nothing wrong with it. you
know what's funny about the "gossip people" is that they become part of
gossip themselves by being so proactive in the whole scharade. bla! i'm
done with this....
is it me as a one-person corporation or am i really that popular with
getting mail? ever since i've become incorporated for "that asian thing" -
the mail has been more and more under groovy ghost films. funny though -
they're doing what i need to be doing. mass marketing and just getting
your name out there. you figure that if you send about a jillion flyers
out about your service, about 20 to 30 percent should actually look into
it. now that i'm a business - that 20 to 30 percent is looking pretty
gooooooood, if ya ask me.
help a brotha out!
rubber band
i've become what i hoped wouldn't happen. i am now pigeonholed into always
documenting things. this past weekend, i went out to have a good time -
have some drinks, get my buzz on, watch people pass by and enjoy the
nightlife. i brought my digital camera with me because it was my friend's
birthday. i mean - she took pictures at my birthday, so i sorta felt
obliged to help commemorate her own drunken times. however, everytime i
took a picture, people would say, "it's for the documentary! look out!" or
"is this gonna be in your film? asians having a good time...." or "i'm not
signing a release form..."
now i know what you're saying - "you got yourself into this." and i'm
fully aware of what i've done and how it may altar my future lifestyle.
however, gimmie a break people - it's like me always saying the same joke
to you over and over again. it gets old and annoying after awhile. don't
you think? and also, before i did any of this, everything seemed to be
"normal." now what? i start working on any sort of film and this is what
i have to look forward to??
WELL - i'll take it AND a bag of chips!
it makes life interesting and sure - i get heated or i get riled up. but
it shows to myself how close this project is to my heart. how many people
are really passionate about something that had to grow unto them?? in my
age range and in my radius of friends - not many. a good amount of people
just keep doing their jobs, wishing they could do something cooler. well -
i took it by the bull horns and am making a frickin movie! this is what i
want to do and now i'm doing it. no matter how i'm going about it. i'm
doing it.
just let me be able to blog and release in some form. it's not complaining
- it's telling an upsetting story to the masses about my life. bla bla
bla....words, words, words. that's all this really is. isn't it??
ipod headphones
you know what i just realized? since i'm trying to figure out my net value
as a person for the back-up of my production company (Groovy Ghost Films,
Inc.), i've realized that i have no savings. i mean - this is no surprise
to the people that know me....however, when i stop to think of where all my
money goes. i'd have to say that it goes to life experiences more than
anything. because as i sit here and list things that i can put up as
collatoral or things that prove that i'm not a "bad person" when it comes
to finances....i actually only have a handful of things that can show it.
i don't own a house. i don't own a great computer. i do own my car, but
it's very old and not worth as much. i can't put my girlfriend up as
collatoral (even though she'll say there's no price on her package....which
there isn't unless we've degraded back to slave issues). SO - when i stop
to think about my net value....the only reason (or "excuse") i'm not worth
as much is because i use up my money on doing stuff like going out to the
bars, fine dining, traveling, movies, good times and even treating out
people to these so called "experiences."
do i regret it? hell no!
but i do wish i had something more viable to prove that i'm worth more.
maybe they can listen to my funny stories instead....
my red pen
i'm currently in the midst of trying to raise funds for my documentary and
music concert. MAN - have you ever done telemarketing? making those cold
calls and knowing people don't want to hear it? that's what this is like.
SO - to make it easier, i've tried to grow contacts and get referred to
people/companies by others. it helps a little, but you're still trying to
sell something. the hardest part for me is closing the deal. i can talk
about my project all day, but when it comes to actually tying it all up
with, "so, would you like to help the cause?" - it sure can be difficult.
what gets me a little confused is - where did all my friends go? i know
people hate to be asked for money, but if one of my friends emailed me
about something that i felt he/she were really, whole-heartedly sincere
about AND i thought this person could pull it off, I would definitely try
to throw them a bone. and if it's only 10 or 20 bucks...well, hopefully
they'll accept to be something more than zero dollars. and shiet...i'm one
of the brokest mo fo's you should know.
before i change subjects: ---> ---->know
it and tell a friend!!!
MOVING RIGHT ALONG (sometimes documentary talk can easily take over my
conversation/way of thinking): i got my high school reunion notice in the
mail. interesting i must say. i actually sat down and thought about the
friends i hung out with in the beginning of my high school career and who i
ended with at the end of those 4 years. a complete evolution of such. i'm
wondering if those early jonald friends will be in attendance. i hope so.
it would be nothing more than a trip in a literal sense. so if you're in
the new jersey area - i'll be there come november. holla!
office thought of the day: with technology changing ever so rapidly -
you'd think there were a more high-tech solution to a new form of adhesive
paper connections. in other words - staplers, are they really that cool?
that northern telecom phone that everyone has at their work
i'm not very fond of people that don't know how to chill out at work.
sometimes there are low periods at a job, when there actually might not be
a lot to do, so some people find it necessary to do things that are
completely meaningless. they have no other way of looking busy except to
start picking at things that are so intricate and detailed that if they
were busy, they'd completely overlook. i mean - gimmie a frickin break!
data in a database where some letters need to be capitalized is not my
definition of important work. being nit picky and consistantly talking to
people about work related things makes it come out like your nagging or
just not fun. i know what environment we're in and yes - work is the goal
at hand here. BUT our lives are not meant to be defined by paper work or
what someone more knowledgable or educated commands us to do. this life we
lead and the road we choose from different paths that confront us is what
makes us who we are.
we work to live. we don't live to work.
just chill out. stop trying to make everyone who's relaxed around you look
so bad. i'm sure you can see where i stand. and if you're opposed to
take it easy. i'm not saying that we should not get any work done. its
just that there are certain times when the work place has not so tense
moments and when a little fun can be implemented, just let it be without
coming off as an elitist because you're a hardworker. i'm a hardworker
too. i get my shiet done and i do it very well. even surpass the
intentions of my goal at times. but some people just need to realize that
there is more to life, more to the same ol'building you come to everyday
for a bajillion years, and more to living a routine ordeal. a more
enjoyable environment makes for more enjoyable employees. if these people
look forward coming to work - isn't that suppose to be a good thing?
an eraser
i apologize! i'm sorry - to all the people that i spit on. yes, friends
and family and random blog readers, i am guilty of "speaking spittal." i
think it's because i speak sorta fast and trying to get so much info out
quicker than my mouth can handle, i have this tendency to "spray it, not
say it." therefore, i apologize! i'm sorry! it's sorta like i'm kissing
the world, one conversation at a time....
moving right along - SUPERMAN will be here. this movie has been
toooooooooo long in the making. i heard about the return of this movie for
like 3 years and only NOW is it coming out. on a wednesday night for that
matter. i hope it is well worth the wait and hype because i have read
kevin smith's version of the story and well.......kevin smith rocked it.
we'll least its the summer, which introduces the beginning of
the summer blockbusters. we'll see who reaches the rankings this year.
Speaking of Kevin Smith - Clerks 2. i can only pray that this helps
kevin's career rather than hinder it. if this doesn't cut it, it might be
time to get back to independent styles. my new estimated date of "That
Asian Thing" completion will be mid-Fall. This is primarily due to editing
time and completion of filming. keep yer fingers crossed and tell me to
break a leg. then i have to wish and pray that my entrance into film
festivals will be solid.
i'm done thinkin on this for now...maybe more later....
pens galore
so yeah - that thing up top is the "teaser" to my film to be......
hopefully you'll like it and hopefully you'll let all your friends know
about it.
lately i've been running on E but i feel like if i stop or if i do anything
that isn't towards the project of this film/concert, then i'm being
half-ass about it. but seriously, i'm completely and utterly tired. the
only person who can be a witness to this is my girlfriend and when i go to
interact with outsiders, it's become what feels like work because i have to
put as much out there as i can when it comes to promotions. if you know
me, you know that i'm a pretty personable person. i can talk and i like to
conversate. i do know how to listen and i like to believe that i'm very
open minded to a wide range of anything. however, doing all the marketing,
promotions, filming, interviewing, reading material, emailing, and just
even going to my dayjob to do work outside of this project - WELL, all the
talking seems to be nothing unless there's a physical, viable product in
front of people. HENCE - this little teaser. i've watched footage of
interviews at least 10 times a piece to look for just the right snippets to
throw in there. i listened to a lot (A LOT) of asian american artists'
music, to get the right feel for the right scene. and if you can believe
this, i'm working on the actual script for voice over. there's a lot to
making a full length feature - especially if you have an army of one -
SO - i'm tired BUT i'm still moving.
in other news:
i've quit smoking and putting all the occasional mishaps aside (like drunk
drags or out of state partying), i've been clean for over a year and a
half. i've become a runner (...well, not lately.....since i've taken up my
project full time) and i'm an advocate on eating healthy. HOWEVER - i've
turned to the bad, bad drug of caffiene. Since i've been so tired lately,
i feel like drinking coffee and diet coke helps me get through the day.
NOW if you asked me if i wanted coffee about a year ago, i would've been
like "no way jose" cause it's bad for your heart. but then i'd say that
before lighting up a cigerette. it's really just become my substitute. i
need to stop. it's a wonder how drinking coffee has become professionally
acceptable during meetings.
this will be all....
my red and black sharpie - oh how i love thee
i had a wierd dream last night.
i was in what felt like my fraternity house but wasn't. for some unknown
reason, dreams make up new "realities" as far as making you feel like
you're at a place that you know, but it really isn't that place. like i've
had dreams that took place in a room that's suppose to be my house because
it felt like my house, but its a place i've never been to before. ANYHOO -
continuing on - I was in this room that was like a cave in the basement of
the fraternity house. there was a party going on, but it was just me and
one of my cousins' friends chillin with me. he was playing with a crab the
size of his arm. it wasn't biting him, but he was playing with it. then a
spider, the same size, came out. we decided to let'em have a go at each
other to see who would win in a fight. as they were fighting, i backed up
to give them some room. out of nowhere, a bat started to attack me. i was
wearing my long, overcoat that had long sleeves and use them to swap the
bat away. everytime it came close to me, i just hit it. it kept getting
more angry, so i just left the room when it was far enough from me. when i
got out of there, there was a staircase (very dark) that led upstairs.
people were going up and down it, just like a frat party. one of my
fraternity bros stopped me to ask where i was. i told him the whole story
and then the alarm went off.
really, REALLY wierd.
my girlfriend asked me, "what were you dreaming about?" i told her the
story i just wrote out and she said, "you were moving around and mumbling
in your sleep. i thought it was funny."
it wasn't a scary dream, except for the bat part. but it was just deeply
my ringing phone
sometimes when i wake up really early in the morning, there's that morning
dew smell that reminds me of yesteryear. i remember being in grade school
again and walking to my catholic school in the cold breeze of chicago wind
with the blue hue. the smell also reminds me of going on road trips with
my family when i was a kid. my dad would get us to leave at 4 in the
morning to beat traffic and get a good start on the road. the smell is
also reminiscent of first period classes at college. i only had a few, but
to get up and smell that morning dew while looking at an empty campus was
really a site to see. you get to appreciate how nice your college looks in
it's natural, naked beauty.
there are other smells that remind me of past situations. i'm sure you can
another note: please check my film blog every now and then too. i just
unloaded a lot of thought into today's entry.
i'm tired....this will be all.
my notary public stamp
"The phrase "speak of the devil" is a shortened form of the medieval phrase
"speak of the devil and he shall come." It was thought that if you talked
about the devil it would attract his attention. That is why when you are
talking about someone and they show up you say speak of the devil."
Well now y'all know and knowing is half the battle. Actually - I'm a
little disappointed by this answer of "Where did 'speak of the devil' come
from?" I thought it would be this ancient lure of satanic corruption where
Lucifer had worked out a deal with Jacob the disciple. Whereas Lucifer
would give him riches in terms of unlimited bottles of wine and sheep skin
for the knowledge of Christ almighty's source of power. Then while
drinking tea with Luke and Peter, Jacob told them his story of running into
a black caped man calling himself Lucifer. As he uttered those words, the
subject showed up in person. "You scare me as the devil, good sir!" Jacob
said. And without resistance - Lucifer did a Wonder Woman type spin to
turn into THE DEVIL! Now becoming completely red and growing horns, he
caught a pitchfork that grew and shot out from the ground. Luke and Peter
luckily had bottles of Holy Water on them and began to throw. "CURSES!"
Lucifer said and ran away.
Hence, in my own demonic, corrupted, imaginery mind - this is where the
phrase "speak of the devil" came from.
originally my tea mug but now my mocha mug
Okay - so i completely understand that sometimes "time" is not on peoples'
side and the task of emailing has picked up to be somewhat time consuming,
especially if that's your main source of communication. in today's day and
age - sometimes it's what makes work a less monotonous day. HOWEVER, i'm
not a big fan of quick, to the point comments. For example, I sent out an
email asking friends if they would like to join me for an outing and one of
the replies that i received simply said "i was already going."
that's it.
that's it?
now i understand that i shouldn't expect some long, drawn out emailing
saying that the world is peachy keen and work is making one's body tired
even though it's a desk job, BUT isn't there a more charismatic way of
saying that you were attending the event? "i was already going" is kinda
like saying "OH, i already knew this and i was going without telling you.
don't make it such a big deal cause it's already in my calendar book."
WELL excuuuuuuuuse me for inviting you if you already knew it! something
kinder and quick would be, "hey, i already knew about this - did you want
to meet up?" or even "i'm down." but no, not "i already knew this" doesn't
work nicely.
DON'T GET ME WRONG - i know the reprecussions of bad email etiquette and
have totally been guilty of sending out snobbish or sarcastically mean
messages. BUT i am getting better and i wish people would just re-read
what they send out before hitting that quick release button. sometimes it
really does make people just a little more happy when you get a nice email.
computer monitor
you know what's natural, but embarrassing? not like picking your nose or
passing gas are things you shouldn't do, but something that you can't stop
from doing is making your stomach growl. sometimes my stomach just wants
to talk outloud and let everyone know that it's "letting food settle" or
"sorry, i need to be excused" or "let's be embarrassing!!" but whatever -
it's natural.
ya know - that werd right there is the new mentos. the werd - "whatever"
is suppose to be this justification or excuse to let things go. it's like
a brush off the shoulder (circa jay-z 2003). and like mentos - you're able
to get away with it with no worries. the other person just laughs it off
as you walk away holding your "whatever" in your hand with a big smile.
it's a scapegoat of a werd that i am very guilty of using as well.
however, there are moments where it very applicable in life because
seriously, people are too serious and need to utilize that "whatever" more
often. SO...on that note - whatever.
[also give props to the movie Clueless]
i think i swallowed a hair last night and now it's lodged in my throat.
i've drank hot stuff, cold stuff and eaten a couple of things since this
morning, but it still feels like something's in there. it'll probably
become one of those things like from the movie "My Girl" where she thinks
there's always a chicken bone lodged in her throat. For me - it's a piece
of hair. and going with that - yes - men are just big babies.....
I'm sorry, but i think i need to discontinue the naming of my posts after
beatles songs. i think i ran out. isn't that a shame?! well....i have
had this blog for awhile now, so it was likely to happen at some point.
therefore, i will just name my posts after random objects that lie in front
of me. enjoy.
i want to hold yer hand....
sorry to have neglected you, blog nation. I've been busy with the editing
of my film, my dayjob, and spending time with people I love. Also, the
good weather has invigorated my activity of spending time outside or
driving to unknown chicago regions. I just like to be up and about. Live
life man - that's what you gotta do!
ANYHOO - i do have randumb thoughts lodged in my noggin. here's a go:
--Elevators. wouldn't there be more space on them if everyone on the side
turned sideways and didn't face the opening doors, therefore allowing
another row of people on there? i'm not one to talk, however i always feel
that some people that enter the elevators on my job don't really have a
tetris etiquette to let as much people in. where's the love man? also -
stop looking down - the elevator ride ain't that bad.
-i'm very reluctant to grow my hair out. i shave my head because it's very
easy to handle AND i look good with it. i have a normal shaped head. some
people SHOULDN"T try to pull it off because they have oddly shaped heads.
really - you should check out the shaved head people and see what it
resembles. is it a block head? an egghead? a bumpy head? what works
-my girlfriend watches sex in the city on demand. therefore, i watch sex
in the city as it is on the telly. i must admit - good writing. what i
did think of though was some of the guys on that show. if nothing else
were to happen with their acting careers, they can at least say that "i
played one of cary's boyfriends on sex in the city." to me - that's
actually pretty well known to the women. therefore, if you're an actor
just tryin to score some poon - i think sayin this credential is VERY
-Donations. of late in my life, i've been more giving with my money. not
giving to bumbs but rather to friends who work the non profit route. i
know some people that do walks for causes, work not for profit businesses,
and are even starting their own businesses. funds are hard to come by and
friends SHOULD be friends. i'm not the richest guy on the block, but i can
definitely spare 5 or 10 bucks to help out a friend that's been good to me
in the past/present. 5 or 10 bucks towards their goal is closer than
nothing, so why not, eh? "heal the world, make it a better place, for you
and for me and the entire human race...." OR "we are the world, we are the
children, we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving"
-my 10 year high school reunion is coming up. first - YIKES - how old am
i?? next - YIKES - what the hell do i have to show for it?? whatever - i
have no shame. i just want to talk to more people and hopefully network.
i was pretty well known - not mr. popular, but my name did do me better
than i thought. there's not that many "jonalds" to spare. hopefully it
won't be a night of revengful regrets where people come to carry out things
they "should've done" in their past years. s'all good....i'm just glad i
live in chicago and don't have to run into any aftermath.
eat it. RADIOHEAD - in one month!! WOO HOOOOOooo!!!!
golden slumbers
the following is a retort for people who work in the business world.
you'll understand what i mean:
"do i have a choice? it shouldn't be called a favor if I have to do it."
AH - now that i have that off my back. let's continue on. THIS WEEK conan
o'brien is taping his show at the Chicago Theater on state street. This is
literally 3 blocks away from where i work. i've walked by it for the past
2 days to see if i can somehow worm my way into the show. however, knowing
that taping begins at around 3 or 4 pm....lines to the show form way before
noon. there are people lined up all over the spot. it's pretty crazy. i
did submit an email to get tickets - but it's still at random draw and then
you still have to wait in line to get in. still no guarentee if your name
is picked. i'd have to miss a day of work just to grab my seat.
in the past, i have watched conan live 3 times in new york when i lived in
jersey. all good times. but now that he's a big shot - it's impossible to
grab tickets. o well....
yesterday, i lost an arm and a leg obtaining tickets to my favorite living
band. "living" is the word here - unless by some miraculous feet, Paul and
Ringo can get Lennon and Harrison's sons to jump in a live concert, then
i'd probably lose my soul to get tickets. ANYHOO - my friend and I got
RADIOHEAD tickets!! WOO HOO!!!! too cool as it will be in the auditorium
theater in chicago. can't wait for this date to be history in my life
book. i've never seen them live and have been consistently listening to
them since high school. hail to the thief!
a couple of movies i've watched lately that you should check out if you
haven't: munich (which is now on dvd), me, you, and everyone we know is a
quirky movie with deeper meaning to it than it seems, v for vendetta was
cool and yes - it's about bush administration (very obvious), and
hitchcock's north by northwest. always gotta stick a classic flick on the
baby's in black
MISSING IN ACTION - sorry to be in nowhere land and not yell out my status
to the seeker, however, personal turmoil has made me not want to write out
to the masses. nothing big - more like a personal rut but i'm getting
through it. sometimes stuff like this happens out of boredom.
passive aggression - what the hell are you? i've been known to be passive
aggressive and it's become a complaint by some. however - i can't
understand what the hell i'm doing that makes it passive aggressive. SO -
let me list the faults that I do that will probably reveal what passive
aggression is.
when i see someone doing something "wrong" (in a sense where i don't like
it or its something messed up), instead of being blunt, sometimes i lay
guilt trips about it. also, i tend to ask a question putting the wrong
doer in opposite shoes to see if what he/she is doing is wrong. get what
i'm saying? example - "hey, is it wrong to put knives in people's back?"
apparently, i hang out with backstabbers. badum ching!
randumbly ongoing - i've deteriorated a ligament in my foot. it was
swollen before and in serious pain, however, it's gone down in swelling and
now i don't feel too much pain (which tends to happen over time). BUT
since i'm missing that ligament, i still have to undergo physical therapy,
which consists of an ultra sound foot massage and whirlpool treatment. how
lavish a therapy is that?! i just hate the fact that i can't completely
run yet and i can seriously injure my foot if i exert myself too much.
i've returned from the Asian American mecca known as California. i visited
family and overwhelmed myself with rest and food. eat, go, sleep, go, eat,
sleep. in that order and repeat for 3 days. NOW if only there were a way
to do everything without gaining weight. hhhmmmmm - a new invention could
be in the works....
northern song
patience - is it really for you? OR is it really for the other guy?
i'm starting to believe that the trait of patience is as equally BAD as it
is good. I've always thought patience is a great asset to have and taking
your time on things produces better quality. HOWEVER, as i'm becoming more
involved with my projects - patience is also letting people get away from
stuff. people easily take patience for granted. another aspect that is
not to the fault of evil (as i'm guilty of it too) is that people DO get
busy and DO forget to do things. so patience would be important for
keeping up good relations, but patience would not be good if you know that
the person can be forgetful.
randumbly - do you really get mentally hurt when someone penalizes a
characteristic you pride yourself on? i do. i don't think i should as i'm
a "guy," but shiet man....i have feelings too. when someone says i'm not
funny or not patient or very unreliable - i take it to heart because i
really do pride myself on those assets. it's all i got man. i think my
other big characteristic is pride itself. i have lots of pride. when
someone pokes at it, i take offense to it. and i hate getting sour - i
wish i could brush things off my shoulder but grudges are evil. you want
that revenge so badly because greed and being selfish is easy to do.
it's all hate man. just like star wars - it's easy to get unto the dark
side. but i'm tellin you - it's just as stressful to stay that way. it
takes more work to start shiet up and be angry at someone than it is to
just shrug it off and be on your way. i get too much crap from sexually
deprived men because they build up too much testosterone and can only take
it out on other guys. you get some beer in them, say the wrong words, and
bam - they hold a grudge on you cause in retrospect and all honesty - men
are truly little babies. sorry men - i'm not gay, nor am i a p*ssy....but
honestly, we get too worked up and are probably worse than women cause we
don't release our anger. we keep our feelings bottled up and act like
little babies to try and compensate the way we feel instead of standing up
with a little confidence, being a man, and saying what's on your mind. we
also act more sick than we really are and need more help then we actually
ask for. just stop being a frickin baby and speak up!
okay - too much drama that's unnecessary needs to go away. hope y'all are
having better days!
then there was music!
Wow - my documentary made a magazine! woo hoo!! Exit Weekly is a magazine
based out of New Jersey and luckily, my boy Greg P-diggidy dropped some
knowledge about my film to his editor. Next thing I know, I get a call on
my day off, answer some questions and a week later - bam...I'm public.
It's good P.R. Well - if you think about it, anything to be in the public
eye is good P.R. Good or bad vibes will nontheless make people talk about
you. If I stir up a little contro - sure I'll take it. I just want people
to start taking interest in the matter. Check out the documentary blog
I'm on the verge of creating a production company. Still working on a good
name for it though. Didn't know how difficult it was till I started saying
the names out loud. I'm trying to use my vast humor to play a pun on
something that I liked when I was a child. Can't think of anything though.
I'm sure I'll think of something...
MAN - I watched Swingers last night. Didn't realize how much I missed that
movie. It's SO good for what it costs and how it played out production
wise. Here's Jon Favrau, Vince Vaughn, and Ron Livingston broke on their
asses and trying to crack into the biz. Jon writes up this stellar
screenplay and gets in cahoots with one of his friends who's a producer.
She gets Doug Liman into it, just as an advisor. then he gets so caught
into it that he wants to direct it. for like 5 or 6 months, they build up
funding. the shoot for a couple of months and then get it out to the
people. they reached more success through dvd than theatrical rec. the
story of how this movie got made amazes me, as you can see. vince and jon
rock the scenes and ron livingston still plays one of the better straight
men in my opinion (next to steve corral and will farrell). ["Straight Man"
is the character that plays up the "normal" person. he's the guy that is
the everyman and isn't outlandish with his demeanor. past "straight men"
are Felix Unger, mr. drummond, and daddy warbucks.]
rockin da casbah!
I read the news today, oh boy....
i'm seriously running out of beatles songs to name my posts after. i may
start apologies.
AH - if you look at the paper today as opposed to one of my prior posts -
netflix is sueing blockbuster for using the same methods of dvd rental.
frickin coincidence city man! maybe someone from netflix is a frequent
flyer of randumb 101 and said, "wait just a gosh darn minute! blockbuster
IS rippin us off!" and again, i'll say that i'm waiting for my comp check
in the mail from netflix. holla!
4 days later from starting a screenplay at 11:30 pm on friday night (after
the coldplay concert which was of less energy than vegas version). i am 64
pages deep and probably only 60 percent done. what sucks is that i know i
have to cut out so much crap, that i don't even know if i'll still have a
full movie in my hands after editing. however, i must say, this screenplay
is taking the life out of me. the only rest that i see throughout my day
(for the past week) has been sleep itself and my morning commute with my
cousin. i just sit there and try to not think of anything. its very
difficult though.
i'm covering for 2 people at work this week. one is out on operation and
the other is nursing a cold. [which i've always thought to have sounded
wierd. in essence of "nursing" a cold, doesn't that mean that you're
taking care of the cold like you want to make the cold to be stronger?? ]
so i'm swamped at the dayjob. right when i get outta here, i write on the
train. once i'm home, i either eat or write. this whole month is asian
american heritage month, which means i have footage to tape every week this
month. thing is, i NEED to finish this screenplay by a deadline of april
17th. i'm mentally and physically tired.
i have no time to watch movies. my netflix is not paying off this month.
SEE - i add on this extra project of a screenplay, and i'm extremely wiped
out. what i hate the most out of it - it doesn't seem real. to me - i
feel like everyone around me thinks this is childplay. like i'm not
serious or it's a daydream with no immediate result to it. i guess it
sucks when everyone in the world wants to be in the movies - but who's
really doing anything about it?
editing is the key to my documentary, screenplay, and in a
"you're so deep that i want to laugh in your face."
the way things are going - they're gonna crucify me!
SO - i have a mission this weekend, which i'm pretty confident about but
not sure if i, personally, can pull it off. it's gonna take dire
determination, imagination, and no sleep. i am presenting to myself a
challenge of my writing skills. THUS - this weekend i will bust out a
screenplay. i've been brainstorming and have characters drawn out, but
haven't written anything solid yet. so, this weekend, i will begin this
friday night and finish by sunday a draft of a screenplay. i'm destined to
write out approximately 120 pages of goodness. it's a murder mystery with
a refrain in the end. this has been lodged up in my head for awhile so i
feel like the beginning part shouldn't be difficult to get through.
however, i think the ending will be the bitch of me. i'll keep ya posted
on this one....
i'm gonna enter it into a competition that has a deadline of april 17th.
wish me luck!
tonight - coldplay concert at the united center. should be fun cause they
had a great concert in vegas. hopefully it'll be close to the same energy
if not better.
i've been on hiatus lately cause time is so crucial. i haven't even had
time to watch any good movies lately. errrrr! i want to see v for
vendetta but i have this screenplay thingy, then the asian american film
festival is in town, and coldplay tonight, etc., etc., etc.
randumb commentary: alright, so i wasn't a coldplay fan to begin with, but
their concert was very cool, so i started to dig'em. i'm not like a #1 fan
or something. i actually like bands like radiohead, white stripes, and the
beatles. i'm pretty ecclectic and can listen to anything. i know how to
appreciate things for what they're worth and can see how or why other
people might like things. SO - don't hate on me or gimmie lip for going to
a coldplay concert if you don't dig their sounds. i dig'em and they put up
a good live show - end story.
it's gettin warmer in chicago! WOO HOO!!!!
i just want to say how much netflix rocks. i only signed up a month ago,
but it really does save me moola. i use to go to blockbuster at least
twice a month and rent at least 2 movies, which would add up to 10 bucks a
visit - thus 20 bucks a month. With netflix, 20 bucks a month gets you 2
movies for like 3 times a month and the bonus is no late fees whatsoever!
there's no late fees at blockbuster, but if you don't return it in a week
after the due date, you have to buy it.
i know, i has this netflix thingy too, where you can go
online and do it up just like netflix. but why go with the dopleganger
when you can go with the original? and i use to think the whole mailing
thing would be a nuissance - no dice. its totally cool and small enough to
fit in our mailbox. works well.
and now i await my plug check from netflix. haha!
moving randumbly.....
i'm having like a day 2 hangover. i wasn't even plastered on saturday
night, but i guess its the way drinks are made and how many brain cells i
kill off, but i'm still minorly hurt here. it's just a headache that won't
go away. NO - it's not a migrain or "a tumor" (circa Kindergarden Cop,
where boys have penises and girls have vaginas). they say hangovers are
usually products of dehydration, but i've been drinking gallons of water
for the past 2 days. still a little hurt here. it'll pass....
ncaa brackett - you're all screwed!
baby's in black
you know how you can tell when you're starting to feel old? when the joke
"Take my wife please!" begins to be funny. some 16 yr. old kid could
understand why it would be funny, but for some reason, in my older age, I
actually laughed out loud when i heard it (recently re-watching Goodfellas
for a record 187th time). I use to watch Goodfellas religiously during
college - especially my 2nd year. I didn't have classes on fridays, so i
appointed every friday as Goodfellas friday. I must've worn that tape out
cause i watched it so many damn times. it was awesome. then, i stopped
watching it for a good while. last night, i found it "On Demand" and i was
eating, so i figure i didn't have to pay too much attention to it while i
was munching. however, i couldn't take my eyes off the television once it
got on. it was like a rebirth. that movie's so frickin awesome! STILL MY
FAVORITE MOVIE! i need to get away from watching American Beauty for
awhile. Use to be my 2nd or 3rd fav movie - now it's starting to drop in
my personal list. sorta getting beat by tupac resurrection. i swear it's
a frickin good movie and i'm not big on tupac. no joke joke.
ugh...back to work.
gotta git'ya into my life, somehow someway!!
i just realized how much i miss watching conan o'brien. i saw that he's
coming to chicago in may to do some tapings. WOO HOO!! i'm gonna try my
damndest to get tickets. i saw conan live about 4 times during college.
one of my goals in life at one time was to write for conan, but dunno how
far fetched that is now. less we forget that nothing is ever too far
fetched - especially if you're trying to pursue a dream where only a
minimal amount of stars shine bright enough for all to see.
sometimes i think i write too metaphorically. sorry....just gotta try to
catch what i'm saying. sorta like my sense of humor - just gotta catch the
joke. and yes - i do push bad jokes sometimes. but who the f*ck cares -
you never know a bad joke until you try it. someone's gotta give you a
sympathy laugh.
i've lived in chicago for almost 5 years now. (well, technically i'm in
evanston, i've been in chicago for 4 years, and IL for 5 years.)
i've moved around from house to house every year till this past year, when
i moved into a condo with 3 other cousins. this will be the longest i've
stayed in one spot since i lived at home with my parents and that's about 7
years ago. crazy how where you hang your hat can change so many times....
a mezzo mezzo day.
it's gettin betta all the time!!
this is something that i didn't understand till later on in life. i was
part of a fraternity and when i was an undergrad whenever I met alumni, i
did my best to make them my friend. i wanted there to be a sense of truth
behind the word "brotherhood" and i really did make an effort to get to
know this dude that i'm associated with through an organization. however,
the alumnus that i was trying to get to know always seemed too busy and it
was always difficult for him to come around. now - definitely
understandable that there are "real world, out of college" things going on
and then there are "college, i'm getting wasted tonight" things going on -
so those are the different spectrums on the board. but i never understood
why they couldn't do little things every now and then - maybe stop by 2
times a month or give a call to an undergrad to see how things are going.
HOWEVER, now that i'm an adult (or pretend to be), i can see how it gets
difficult to do those little things. here i am, trying to balance these
things on a normal basis: a 40 hour per week job, a total commute time of
2 hours a day, keeping in shape by running at least 2 or 3 times a week
(which is approx. 2 hours a gym visit), my documentary filmmaking career is
another job within itself (i email, do massive research, film gigs, write a
crap load of stuff up, read, read, and read; do marketing, networking, and
trying to make contacts anywhere i can), and to add to this whole shabang,
i need to make room for my girlfriend. Whew - try saying this whole list
under one minute. that's how i feel most of the time.
to add on to the beginning of my topic, i can see how i couldn't or maybe
might not even want to try to relate to some 18 year old kid who's worried
about how to grow funds for rush. BUT for my AKL homies - i feel your pain
brothas. you young ones - just keep on keeping on cause even though that
old alumnus f*cker won't hear me out, just keep doin your own shiet cause
in your world, grabbing your balls and doing stuff is the best example you
can set for everyone else. that's what i did and by learning my place in
the organization, things ran well for me.
NOW, up to date and in relation to today - i may be slacking in the
friendship department. it's hard. it really is. i wish i could keep up
with friends at all times and make sure everyone is always okay. but i
don't have enough time during my days. i don't have time for me sometimes
and when i push myself further to be a better person by helping others - i
really do forget to help myself. it could sound stupid but if you know me,
you could probably see me doing this. i really do try to accommodate to
everyone as much as possible and sometimes i become a d*ck because i need
to have everyone feel alright.
alright...i don't feel like writing this anymore. this is complaining that
i wouldn't want to hear from, why should i do this to ya'll,
when i don't even wanna hear it. werd.....
savoy truffle!
you know what i like witnessing when the observee is non-suspecting?
innocence. its so cool to see someone that is important or strong and to
assume that this person is always proper, especially in a work place
environment - but then to see them outside of that persona without them
knowing it. well ....that's just sincere and it makes you appreciate that
person on a different level. BUT this could just be me and taking in the
breath of life to another extent. sometimes writing gets difficult when
you want to create this complex character because there are "rules" to
sticking with the humanity and flaw of a character. its a sense of
consistancy because audience members are more observant than what writers
give them credit for. rule of thumb for writers: write for smart people,
but then again, write to someone that has never heard of it before.
comprende vou? you want to break down a story but don't dumb it down for
people. SO going back to this character thing, and relating it to real
people - how can i be consistant when in the world we live in, people can
change in a minute. HOWEVER, just to write outloud (instead of "think
outloud"), i guess maybe the character's consistent characteristic is to
always change. (i'm trying to be cleaver by always being inconsistant on
spelling 'consistent.') ANYHOO - what initiated this thought was how i
came across the doodlings of someone at work. she's a contract specialist
and when i was going through her files, i saw this butterfly doodle snuck
in along with red penned comments of important legalized terminology. it's
like all this important stuff, and then this butterfly doodle. for the
type of person she is, you wouldn't suspect it. it has a sense of
innocence in it. that all these hardworking older folks that we can easily
get irritated with on a daily basis was at one time a young kipper that
touched imagination in their unharmed mind. unharmed by what society has
influenced them to accept as right or wrong. unharmed by bad experiences
that they may always accept to be "wrong situations," but when in fact it
could have been a one time or two time fluke. NOT that i'm saying people
cannot assume, but again i will reiterate - this might just be me. my
blog, my thoughts, my words.
moving along - were you part of a fan club? do they even do that anymore?
like the kirk cameron fan club? i guess there are more internet savvy kids
out there that just join listservs about their favorite person. what fun
is that? i would've joined the punky brewster fan club and seen how she
suffered the problems of big boobs and what she did to overcome the jugs.
NCAA!! Are y'all about the MADNESS?!?! I am and tonight I will continue
to get my fix...
p.s. i am now having a hard time thinking of beatles song titles as my
post up titles from the top of my head. i'm sure i'm missing a lot, but
MAN....this is rough...
freeee as a bird
how long do you hang on to your parents' house keys from the time you move
out to live on your own? a year? 6 months? just give it to them when you
move out? not sure....
it's march madness time, baby! gettin the bracketts goin and i'm in about
4 pools too many. i've never won this thing and this year, i'm picking
different winners for every brackett. so come on Duke, UConn, and Texas!!
(i know, i know....i have UConn winning for 2 pools, so that's why i only
named 3 schools). have fun this thursday peoples!
you know how hard it is to plan a bachleor party without going unto a porn
site? pretty damn hard! i mean...i'm not the best man, but our best man
wants a contribuatory effort from the groom's party. thus i am helping
search for venues, liquors, and topless shot girls. however, you can never
get too raunchy without getting unto a porn website. then you get the pops
ups and then the possible viruses, and then these things automatically
install crap on your harddrive that you don't know how to uninstall, then
they setup their porn website as your homepage and next time you go to open
up explorer (or firefox or navigator if you're living in 1997...holla
rutgers!) you get all the same pop ups and computer problems. see what we
go through to satisfy a man on his last days as a single being! are
bachelorette parties any easier??
anyone wanna donate to my documentary? i'm in the middle of writing up
proposals to gain sponsorships. the downside - deadlines and when money
would actually being coming in. don't know if it would be in time with the
timeline i had in mind. we'll see.....
back to monotony....