It's simple - I write and you read. End.



sometimes i think comedy is really who can annoy who the most. if my
theory is right, the whole world is pretty hilarious. HA!

10 year high school reunions are worth the 2 minutes right before you're
about to walk into it. every emotion that you've felt from graduating high
school to that very minute resurges. your mentality is completely confused
and you feel like laughing, pissing, throwing up, and gizzing in your pants
all at once. it all makes you want to turn around and not go back. the
open bar is worth it if you take advantage of it.

boredom for me results into unnecessary productivity. instead of doing
real work that needs to be done, i start work that i've never thought of.
3 days out of work and no plans has made me learn to stitch, fix a stereo
using a nail cutter, and all the new dance moves on that MTV.

work always continues whether you're there or not. the only thing that you
missed out on was the results of reality television shows that coworkers
are obsessed about.

updating my 401k and all my insurance plans makes me feel old.

sitting up straight can mask your obesity.

thanks for listening.

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