It's simple - I write and you read. End.


my black and white mug of cafe mocha

do you think the crocodile hunter deserved it? i was watching msnbc last
night and they had a debate on the crocodile hunter getting killed. first
off, i personally don't think people deserve to die unless they have mental
issues where they've killed off heads, but sometimes you have to pay the
piper when you play with fire. SO - i can see the debate. one guy was
saying that he had it coming to him cause he provoked the stingray. the
other was sayin that he's a professional and that something got f*cked up
in the way it was done. i personally think that the crocodile hunter's got
a frickin huge set of cajones. i don't think he deserves to die and wish
he hadn't because he helped make the animal planet channel what it is
today.....but he was playing with a huge fire, so to do something as
dangerous as he was for so long....well, something was bound to happen.....

ANYHOO - i don't watch reality television cause i'm a writer at heart. at
least i try not to which is difficult in our world today cause everything
is reality television. ACTUALLY - good t.v. is back again with the one
hour drama shows (lost, 24, etc.) but the #1 show is still american idol.
so you do the math. anyway, the point is that tonight is the debut of the
new season of Survivor. my friend, jenny, from glenview, IL is part of the
Asian-American tribe. isn't that a coincident? she gets on a highly
acclaimed reality show that provoking the racial card and i'm doing a
documentary on the low impact of asian americans in mainstream culture.
HOWEVER, i don't know if i should interview her. of course she's a fine
fit to the doc, but she's also my friend and i haven't put too much air
time of any of my other friends in the movie. i don't
know....whatever....i'll figure it out later.....

right now, i'd just like to wish her luck and hope she does well. good
luck jenny! watch survivor guys and support her instead of your own race!

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