weather does not permit me the freedom to choose on my exercise preference.
i like to run. i started running about a year ago and can now bust out 5
miles without thinking any different about it. the only thing that stops
me from consistently maintaining that adrenaline rush is the fact that
outdoor weather is retarded. it's the extremity of hots and colds that i
know chicago to be. ever since i've moved here, this midwest machine of
wierd weather has placed a never ending question mark for anyone that's
ever asked me "how's the weather like out there?" unless i'm outside, i
recommend just going to and finding out yourself. use 60645
and you'll know what's going on.
moving right along - i FINALLY watched motorcycle diaries. i must say that
there were parts in the movie that completely invigorated me to just go
outside and drive without turning back. i'd love to explore this vast
nation i'm on and make it all that it's worth. everyone is always saying,
"i'd love to travel over seas to [insert your own european dream]."
whereas i'm on the contrary and would like to find all the little nooks and
cranies that you don't know america has to offer. i'm no patriotic son
o'va b*tch, but what i am is someone that adds more value to what it's
worth. the south, east/west, and even the midwest -- all the states
located in these geographical locations of the nation have their own
personal flavor and i'm sorry - but truthfully, being a tourist and just
looking at photographic, travel channel, commercialized memories does NOT
enculture you to know better of the people. because honestly, the PEOPLE
is what makes a town the town. there are different cultural standards and
etiquettes that you just don't know exist. i'm from rutgers university and
there's even a rutgers form of etiquette or knowledge. not everyone knows
what a fat cat is, or that rutgers played the 1st collegiate football game,
or that lauryn hill went to rutgers-newark, or that kristen davis use to
perform at the george street playhouse, or that jonald reyes learned cinema
studies there. SEE!
every place has that certain j'ou no say qua.....
i'm getting older as i type....
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