It's simple - I write and you read. End.


getting so much better all the time!

for some reason, i feel good about myself today! you ever feel like that?
haven't felt like this in awhile and it's only 10 a.m. , so i just hope it
lasts the whole day.


--you know when you're walking around the office and you go around corners
or out doors, obviously you have a chance of bumping into
someone...correct? does etiquette tell you that you must say, "excuse me?"
not necessarily, but it would be more polite in this harsh world we live
in. i's takes 2 seconds to say it out of your mouth and f*ck're just being polite about possibly bumping into someone
when most people don't want to be bumped into. My thing is -- i say
"ooop...'scuse me. sorry...." and give a nice smirk, HOWEVER what i
receive in return is a blank stare like "of course it's your fault,
dumbass!" Where's the love man?? just return it back -- "oh no...excuse
me." and in my la la land of great people, it would actually be, "OH No,
no, no, no, no....Excuse me for i am in the presence of greatness. I
apologize for even possibly touching you in anyway and for my pennance, i
give you my extremely hot daughter as your sex slave.",
the people in my head talk like their from medieval times....and yes, they
trade extremely hot daughters as sex slaves.....WHATEVER!

--i like sitting up straight. and i like busting out as many cruches as i
can at the gym. however, sitting up straight after a couple of days of
crunches...not so good feeling. pretty soar and makes me want to sloutch.
and in turn, makes me look like i'm low on confidence...when in fact i'm
high in confidence. and that's what everyone needs a little bit more of,

--EPIPHANY moment. sometimes i hate these, but most times i like them. i
just had an idea at the copy machine a minute ago. (that's right...i did
some multi-tasking biotch!) i don't really have that many friends from
work...and it's not cause i'm not outgoing or shy...but it's because i
choose to not intertwine work with personal issues. however, i don't
really have anyone to b*tch too concerning my department or job. not that
i have many complaints...but it would be good to talk about it. there are
a good amount of young people at my job...but all doing different jobs, so
not too much intermingling unless you work in the same group. i don't work
with any young heads, except for one dude who's pretty chill. this
a dumb idea but why don't we have like a young person's club or something?
maybe not a club, but maybe like a get together at a bar after work on a
friday. it would be a good way to start off the weekend and to release
some work week steam. you could meet younger cats at your job as well as
hear what they think about things instead of having to be p.c. because they
wouldn't wanna get in trouble for speaking out of place. (....okay, this is just another way to meet chicks. HEY! it's still a
good idea gotta admit. a more comfortable place to work
makes productivity better.)

....and then he turned into a handsome prince. The End.

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