friday. the article was about a possible hike in train fair and yup, there
i was getting on the train. nothing big. no one interviewed me nor was i
protesting or anything. i was simply getting on the train like i do every
weekday after work. the reason i bring this up is how i became some sort
of celebrity at work that whole morning. everyone was like "awesome! look
at you!" "can i get your autograph?" "is that robert redford next to
you?" (yeah - bob redford was on the front page too about some earth stuff
in chicago.) and then everyone was telling me to get a bunch of copies and
telling me congrats on making a nationally known paper.
and now i shall input my blog's infamous line - "GIMMIE A BREAK!"
first off - i didn't DO anything. i was just taking the train and some
dude took a pic of me that just happen to make the front page. in
retrospect, if you interpreted the article with me as a rider, i should be
portrayed as someone that's upset about paying more money to ride a train
that smells like urine on summer days or delays for 10 minutes before the
last stop cause of train congestion. and stop giving me praise about
nothing. big deal - someone at the newspaper said, "this kid looks like he
gives a damn about riding the chicago transit. let's put him on the
and now i other infamous line - "DON'T GET ME WRONG" but i don't mind being
on the cover. it is a pretty cool thing and i'm not putting it down for
what it's worth.
my static has to deal that it's not worth as much as everyone makes it out
to be. i'd rather have been on the cover for my documentary or my awesome
writing, but instead on on the cover cause i'm a train rider. i'd probably
like it more so if i were quoted on how the hike bites the big one.
now i know what 15 minutes of fame feels like - literally. this is NOT the
climax of my celebrity status but i guess all that hype made it feel like
something like that would never come again. i beg to differ as i will push
to get my face on that cover again for something that i've done for mother
earth, whether it be film, writing, or being more outspoken. ask me about
this again in 10 years...
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