It's simple - I write and you read. End.


My downfall will be.....

....not swallowing corporate/business office humor and having people assume
that I don't have a sense of humor. (Even though I'm proactive with the
jokes and even graduated from the funny school of Second City - ).

....not realizing the goodness that's right in front of my face and trying
to look beyond it for something better, when in fact the best was right
under my nose.

....not taking more risks.

....being overwhelmingly funny and laughing at life situations where drama
is what's needed to be played out and focused on instead., women, and being a "guy."

....age catching up.

....daydreaming instead of doing.

....getting TOO comfortable and just "dealing with it" instead of saying
what I really feel.

....utilizing "complete the sentence" formats too much instead of writing
out more full, vivacious story/essay structured work to exercise my writing

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