It's simple - I write and you read. End.


good golly miss molly

You know I couldn't stay away for a whole year!! I apologize to the
blogger-stalker nation for not dropping current knowledge of my mind leaks.
It's been a busy bee couple of months and freedom felt like a non-existant
oasis. However - I've finally got a handle of the different foods on my
plate to be able to now share some thoughts that have been tickling my mind
of recent. I hope you enjoy reading forward and as an incentive bonus,
I'll also be sharing a bit of knowledge regarding an on-line film
competition that my documentary is part of. WOOOO HOOOO!!!

random go:

-would it be wierd if "a guy" said to another "guy" in the bathroom, while
releasing toxins at the urinals - "wow man - i smell some good poopin. you
smell that?" I think we would relinquish any form of taboo or awkward
feeling if we finally admitted that our bodies release smelly gases and
human body waste. I mean - let's grow up for a second! - I try to stay
away from the blue humor, but isn't it natural that we do these things??
So why can't we talk about it? Same thing about sex, but that's for
another blog post.

-i've been reading up on this thing called "metaverse." The term is
basically the upcoming digitized universe where interaction takes place
online through created avatars and digitzed versions of people. Can we
make it anymore easier for our children to not interact with real life?!?!
And we complain about how we've become a heavier nation! It's because of
things like this that kids don't know how to talk in front of people, get
shy, sit in front of computer screens all day, ruin their eyes, and get
their wrist bones all sorts of hurtin. Don't get me wrong - I do see the
upside to ideas like this and do applaud how technology just advanced again
5 seconds ago and just did it again right now (and again, right now). But
I think we need to control how things like this get exposed and/or make it
less easy for younger generations to advance at a quicker pace. I've
always felt that the better workers in society are the ones that have
actually gotten their hands dirty and gone through the nity grity
experience that was needed to get conquered for advancement.

Now that i've gotten your fists pumping with social power and bringing back
the old school, i'm going to hurt your heart by saying that this metaverse
is pretty strong. it may be coming sooner than people think and i do
advice on preparation. therefore - start by drawing a picture of yourself
and only communicate to other people by using it like a puppet. it will be
one step closer to how it may be in 10 more years.

-i'm sore from moving yesterday. that's all - i'm just hurt.

be well, my kiddies! and tell your friends that they're the coolest and
tell your family (well - the ones you like) that they rock cause something
people just need to hear that stuff.

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