It's simple - I write and you read. End.


a can of coke

i don't understand the people that need to announce everything they do
before they do it. And to follow - I don't understand the people that
reinforce the notion with supportive words to such a menial task. For
example - "I'm gonna go buy myself a can of coke." Followed by - "Way to
quench that thirst!" Sometimes I think the people that say these things
are saying it to just listen to themselves speak. However - I do digress
because I am guilty of the momentary bathroom break announcements that
overshares what actions will take place in the confines of "the moonhouse."
But I've been better at this since I've turned 21 (7 years ago).

Maybe I'm just bitter at the people that feel that this type of dialogue is
necessary for a more open environment. It sets ease and comfort to
everyone around so that no one is suddenly surprised that this person
appears out of nowhere with a coke. "HEY! Where'd you get that coke and
why didn't you say anything?!"

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