this blog is for other "guys." you cannot....i repeat....can NOT....use a
guy friend as an excuse to escape from your girlfriend. it doesn't work.
i'm sorry. it may work for some guys, but really doesn't work. let
me elaborate.
bob has girlfriend.
mike won tickets to tonight's ball game. he tells bob that he needs to
know "right now" if he can go with him or not because the ticket can go to
someone else.
bob likes hanging out with his girlfriend, but has never been to a ball
game. he also likes sports and would like to go to the ball game.
route 1: if bob goes to ball game w/out telling his girlfriend (who may be
already expecting them to hang out tonight), he's walking into a trap of an
route 2: bob can decline his ticket and miss out on something fun, free,
and new. however, he will have a higher chance of having sex and hanging
out with his female best friend. to continue though - he will be
acknowledged as p*ssy whipped by his friends and grow more distant from
route 3: bob can try to tell his girlfriend and butter her up for another
time to hang out. however, in the back of her mind she'll know that he
chose his friends over her (more so if she DID have plans to hang out with
him already).
route 4: completely seperate himself from both parties, thereby everyone
wondering what his deal is and why he's acting so wierd. (in essence, he's
not acting wierd but just doesn't want to deal with earlier routes
route 5: insert your own route.
to continue with my initial thought, you can NOT use another guy as a
route. like so....
route 6: bob takes the ticket and uses mike as an excuse. mike talks to
bob's girlfriend and says, "it's my fault he's going. we never hang out
with him. i dragged him here with us. sorry."
that just ain't gonna cut it buddy. she'll buy it to get you out of
trouble for that night....but when you return to the nest - you're so
now let me interject with objective thought. of course this doesn't apply
to EVERYONE, but there are justifications of truth in each route.
different situations apply differently to different people. and yes, i do
know that women can be very cool about guys hanging out with their guys on
a spontaneous notion. HOWEVER, a good majority of women (who'll deny it no
matter what) would rather have the man pick her. it's just obvious. who
wouldn't want more caring, personal attention given to them?
indulge me people....